Do we not have a right to our 2nd amendment anymore, or our 1st for that matter? How is this able to fly for so long…i just don’t or maybe WON’T understand. It is truly baffling.
What is the point of the amendments if we are not even “allowed” to apply them anymore? Oh yeah… WE THE PEOPLE have to fight to keep those alive or they die along with our republic.
They have taken Speech from those speaking out about this poison injection, stolen election or anything to do w/ politics they disagree with.
Freedom of speech=GONE or muted for now maybe…its fate is to be decided as for now.
They have practically taken the heads off the groups that support the constitution and bill of rights. Labeled them Nazi or domestic terrorists with the fake Hollywood “insurrection”. Now they have scared, actually terrified other’s of being locked away in such “horrible conditions with no bail” So we just hide back and post or comment like good little boys and girls… whew…this is sad!
THEY WANT US TO HEAR ABOUT ALL THAT AND BE TERRIFIED TO STAND UP!! Seems to be working thus far though. Smh
We have So much proof of what is happening its just slapping us in the face, yet we remain law abiding citizens and eat the lil scraps given to us… i am amazed how lazy & complacent this once “brave” country has become. No, i am disgusted is a better word for that.
Voting is ruined and finished for good. Now if they have their way, which they obviously have been. We will probably end up the slave of the Muslims…or our kids will, thier kids will for sure at the very least.. anyone disagree?
Soooo, what choices do we have?
FIGHT for whats ours. there is more of us than there is of them. hell the dam dems are trying to run away from sleepy joe and the ho….now is the time to stand up and say enough is a enough.. im just one person but im ready.. lock and load
That’s the problem too…we all sound ready, yet we lack a plan.
One That is within our rights to gather and make sure it was thought out wisely and Legally! Using our own laws of land.. this sbould be what is happening. I hear ya! Ready…but they have had so long to plan perfect moves.
“We play checkers as they play chess”
This compliance worries me! My buddy lil 15 yo wants the vaccine bc her other mom and dad2 are ill…She so smart and great kid too.. I am saddened and feel alone a lot lately. Maybe in my own mind and trust both it seems. God bless America🙏💪🇺🇲
Do we not have a right to our 2nd amendment anymore, or our 1st for that matter? How is this able to fly for so long…i just don’t or maybe WON’T understand. It is truly baffling.
What is the point of the amendments if we are not even “allowed” to apply them anymore? Oh yeah… WE THE PEOPLE have to fight to keep those alive or they die along with our republic.
They have taken Speech from those speaking out about this poison injection, stolen election or anything to do w/ politics they disagree with.
Freedom of speech=GONE or muted for now maybe…its fate is to be decided as for now.
They have practically taken the heads off the groups that support the constitution and bill of rights. Labeled them Nazi or domestic terrorists with the fake Hollywood “insurrection”. Now they have scared, actually terrified other’s of being locked away in such “horrible conditions with no bail” So we just hide back and post or comment like good little boys and girls… whew…this is sad!
THEY WANT US TO HEAR ABOUT ALL THAT AND BE TERRIFIED TO STAND UP!! Seems to be working thus far though. Smh
We have So much proof of what is happening its just slapping us in the face, yet we remain law abiding citizens and eat the lil scraps given to us… i am amazed how lazy & complacent this once “brave” country has become. No, i am disgusted is a better word for that.
Voting is ruined and finished for good. Now if they have their way, which they obviously have been. We will probably end up the slave of the Muslims…or our kids will, thier kids will for sure at the very least.. anyone disagree?
Soooo, what choices do we have?
FIGHT for whats ours. there is more of us than there is of them. hell the dam dems are trying to run away from sleepy joe and the ho….now is the time to stand up and say enough is a enough.. im just one person but im ready.. lock and load
That’s the problem too…we all sound ready, yet we lack a plan.
One That is within our rights to gather and make sure it was thought out wisely and Legally! Using our own laws of land.. this sbould be what is happening. I hear ya! Ready…but they have had so long to plan perfect moves.
“We play checkers as they play chess”
This compliance worries me! My buddy lil 15 yo wants the vaccine bc her other mom and dad2 are ill…She so smart and great kid too.. I am saddened and feel alone a lot lately. Maybe in my own mind and trust both it seems. God bless America🙏💪🇺🇲