Presenting The Stunning Difference In How Blacks And Whites Are Killed By Guns

“The gun control debate often plays out in monolithic fashion in this country,” WaPo writes, adding that “the traditional understanding is that there’s one overarching problem — gun violence — that can be addressed by a more or less uniform set of solutions: better background checks, improved technology, etc.”

However, “one shortcoming of this approach is that it elides over the sometimes drastic differences in how different populations experience gun violence and gun ownership in their lives.” WaPo goes on to present the following rather stunning chart from The Brookings Institute. As you can see, there’s a marked difference between how African Americans and whites are killed by firearms. More specifically, “among whites, 77 percent of gun deaths are suicides. But among black Americans, 82 percent of gun deaths are homicides.”



Which race is oppressed? The one who is committing suicide or one which is killing people?

David DeGerolamo

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