The Bible teaches us to forgive our brothers. The pResident’s plan to integrate convicted criminals into government positions is not surprising. It would be easy to make a joke that the political elite are criminals themselves, laugh and walk away. Moral people do not have that luxury. Moral people have a duty to their Lord and then their country.
Obama’s Checkboxes:
- Destroy Christian religions by supporting abortion, homosexuality and gay marriage.
- Rewrite our history to transform our culture.
- Import Islamic terrorists.
- Marginalize and discredit local police.
- Institute a federal police state.
- Destroy our economy.
- Remove our borders.
- Cover up illegal activities: Fast & Furious, Benghazi, Planned Parenthood, IRS scandal, Solyndra, illegal spying on people.
- Impose additional taxes through forced health care.
- Marginalize the 2nd Amendment.
Care to add to this list?
David DeGerolamo
Remarks by the President on Criminal Justice Reform
Over the course of this year, I’ve been talking to people all across the country about reforming our criminal justice system to be fairer, to be smarter, to be more effective. I’ve met with police chiefs and beat cops. I’ve met with prisoners, corrections officers. I’ve met with families of fallen police officers and families of children who were killed by gun violence. I’ve met with men and women battling drug abuse, and rehab coaches, and folks working on new solutions for treatment.
And I have to tell you that from all these conversations, I have, at times, despaired about the magnitude of the problem. I’ve asked myself, how do we break the cycle that has young children somehow on that pipeline where they end up incarcerated? And yet, what’s interesting is I’ve been really hopeful, as well, during the course of this year because what I’ve seen is that there are people across the board — folks who work inside the criminal justice system, folks who are affected by the criminal justice system — who are saying, there’s got to be a better way to do this, and are not just asking questions about how we make the system smarter and more effective but are also showing us how it’s done and are actually implementing it.
That’s why today, we’re taking two new actions to create more success stories like this. These are actions that I can take as President through my executive authorities.
Number one, my administration is announcing new grants to help returning citizens seize that second chance through education and job training and housing and legal help and children’s services. (Applause.) Five cities are announcing commitments of their own to help folks re-entering society to train for high-tech jobs. And we’re going to be partnering with them and others to try to make sure that the good work that we saw here today we can start expanding. All right, so that’s point number one, putting some more money in the system.
Let me say it’s nowhere near what we need, but it gives us more ability to create more programs that serve as an example of best practices so it can be duplicated around the country. That’s point number one.
Point number two, I’m taking action to “ban the box” — (applause) — for the most competitive jobs at federal agencies.
Now, the federal government is a big employer, as you know, and like a lot of big employers, on many job applications there’s a box that asks if you have a criminal record. If you answer yes, then a lot of times you’re not getting a call back. We’re going to do our part in changing this. The federal government, I believe, should not use criminal history to screen out applicants before we even look at their qualifications. We can’t dismiss people out of hand simply because of a mistake that they made in the past.
Add to the list? Ok….
George H. Bush
Bill Clinton
George W. Bush
Paul Ryan
Marco Rubio
Jeb Bush
John Boehner
Mitch McConnell
Wait, did you mean the other list?
I don’t think you are the only one keeping a list.
If, by chance, you are trying to cheer me up….it’s working. 😉
Delayed justice is better than no justice.
How about all almost all in the governemnt. They all pass illegal edicts and are part of the criminal enforcement of the criminal acts.