Presidential Fool

pResident Biden’s analysis of Afghanistan from early July. Let’s us hope that July 4th, 2022 will be a new beginning for our country (or balkanized countries) and that these traitors will be brought to justice.

David DeGerolamo

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gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago

Look at this man! Really look at him. Trying to decipher who is really pulling the strings is like stepping into a domestic argument and finding who is to blame. This creature, and all the others like him, have been lying, stealing, destroying, plundering, and creating misery for decades. How much money or privileges did he get for cutting this deal…to sacrifice the Afghans and our most loyal troops in a blood bath? Which whole brigades were sent in the dark of night? 3-5K Marines? Think again. If The “old man” gave away all of the US equipment before the Taliban began to ride, what are thousands of loyal Army military using to defend themselves in the midst of Kabul? How much do you think they could carry as they fell?
People keep suggesting events that will lead to war, this may well be it when the story comes out as to what has happened here. Pay close attention to this because it is as dangerous as the financial collapse, the Lockdowns, or Marshall Law put together. It is as slick a depopulation scheme as Covid.. Ask yourself the question: How did the Taliban race through conquering all of Afghanistan in 10 or so days? Who came to help them do it? Why? Where are they headed next?

recent news
recent news
3 years ago

American B-52H bombers are understood to be conducting an attack on the largest Afghan air force base in order to destroy the aircraft based there.“It is highly possible that they bomb the second largest air base of Afghanistan National Air Force now in hands of Taliban. They don’t want A-29B & AC-208B attack aircraft remain in hands of Taliban.”