The creatures of the underworld running our country must think the public is awfully stupid. You are expected to take at face value the claim that “Joe Biden” is actually up for re-election. Could it be more obvious that he’s pretending? (Just as he’s been pretending to serve as CEO of our government.) Meanwhile, we are not supposed to notice that the entities behind him are scrambling to dismantle, demolish, and asset-strip what remains of the USA in body and spirit. But enough of us are noticing to make it a problem for them.
First, who are these entities? They are exactly who you think they are. What you see around you is not just a complex system (Western Civ) unwinding and breaking apart — though that is part of the story. It is also the appearance of a controlled demolition by desperate, frightened, and crazy people who want to be the ones left standing when the demolition is complete. The catch is, they are pretending, too. They are control-freaks who cannot keep things under control.
This power underworld is a coalition of large public and private organizations, here and out there in the world, and the folks in charge of them, and they are all out of control, too, pretending that their operations are coherent and efficacious. For instance, the vast consortium of intelligence agencies in our country, the CIA, DIA, ad nauseam, their multitudinous spin-offs, and their international partners (e.g., MI6, Mossad, the World Health Organization). If you want to see how they actually work, watch the Coen Brothers’ movie Burn After Reading. You will see a bustle of perfectly hapless, frantic, and insanely self-destructive activity performed by clueless clowns in nice business suits.
There is also the matrix of banking, including the international regulatory agencies such as the IMF, the World Bank, the Fed, the European Central Bank, and the banks themselves. And the bankers — Powell, LeGarde, Dimon, et. al — and the money managers, Fink, Soros, and their nefarious activities. They are all pretending to be in charge of a money system so burdened with fakery and legerdemain that it’s in the process of flying up the cosmic wazoo and vanishing, leaving Western Civ, functionally, broke.
cee-dub two?
The part I disagree with Kunstler on is that 0bozo is some sort of mastermind behind the “left”. That stupid idiot was nothing but a common negro, maybe with an above average IQ that enabled him to recognize his value as a token man whore for the Star Chamber. One doesn’t go from being a no name senator from a failure peoples republic to pResident with some serious ass pulling the strings behind the scenes. Can you say the words, meat puppet. The “left” as we see it is a collective hive of stupidity that doesn’t have a leader. They’re the starfish and the normal people need to stop looking for the spider.
With 42% of the US electorate now registered Independents, there is no R/L or Blue/Red paradigm. The people have voted with their feet. Closed state and local primaries are just the dying gasp of two political parties that allowed themselves to be bought off just like mafia run labor unions.
Globally, it is all of us against the few of them -- and they started killing us first… slowly and now quickly. The BIS is their central hub. It is in Basel, Switzerland. It needs to go. All of the multi-laterals that have carefully crafted their immunity for anything they do have to go. And we are the ones who have to demand that our governments withdraw from ALL of these organizations and that their operations on sovereign US soil be ENDED.
I tune out info that hammers on the Chinese being responsible or the”left” or the “right” because they are dis-information.
The global financial elite, who happen to be Luciferians, have initiated their long planned “Great Culling” and the Tri-Lateral Commission just celebrated the start of The New World Order at a gathering in NY. The quote was that governments no longer decide on policy -- policies will be decided by industry now. Anybody got a Barrett and some balls?:)))
SO, are we going to let them trick us into yet another decade of navel gazing or are we going to get off our asses and DEMAND that our now mind controlled and vastly ignorant political representative stop this shit already or what??!!
My question is why? Most of us can see the the on going destruction of western society and its likely tragic end, but to what end? Do our rulers really believe the crap they are dishing out and why normally intelligent people are buying it? Is it so a few can rule over the ashes, or has evil finally been unleashed? Inquiring minds want to know!
It is more evident with each day that they are really Satanists. Klaus and company wear the trappings openly. The whole Marxist approach they have been using all of this time is really a means to an end. The end they have in mind is death for everyone and everything that is not evil.
Yes, Mike, it is the age-old fight between good vs. evil, light vs. darkness. Like St. Paul, I will fight the good fight -- to my last dying breath.
“An evil ruler will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes.”
Sun Tzu
Every word Mr. Kunstler said is true. So be it.
Well, we see actions by individuals and official groups and
realize their intent to destroy. Who propels them? I think bankers,
and bankers/investment firms are I’ shareholders in major corporations.
Some people are in a real competition for the riches they can command
wanting to get the highest prize. In athletics, we count goals, baskets,
laps, and touchdowns. Some India guy is making $350 million a year,
no less, (by a google affiliate) while laying people off. Go figure.
Bracken Sends – Western Rifle Shooters Association
Que Dan Fogelberg “Part of the Plan”.