Proof: Major Damage To Kids: Intentional Physical And Psychological Destruction

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tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

What can you say about someone who vaccinates their children with a experimental poison? Are they just loving parents looking out for their children’s welfare? Or have they turned over the welfare of their children to psychopath’s intent on mass genocide, I believe the latter. They also leave their children to the care of these same psychopath’s in the internment camps they call schools. Should we pity them because of their dereliction and stupidity? They have free will do they not, you must now deal with your ignorance and choice. The apathetic, hedonistic society that we have become will try to force the rest of us into obeyance. WAR, it is what they have declared on American citizens, both the compliant and non-compliant, the compliant have already sealed their fate, death. I prefer life, liberty and freedom, this will involve violence to achieve and restore our lost Republic nothing less.