Proof That Puts an End to the Sars-Cov-2 Narrative” | Professor Sucharit Bhakdi

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3 years ago

Sounds logical.

3 years ago

Surprised this Doc hasn’t lost his “Medical License”, been ‘disappeared’ or ‘committed suicide’ yet.

Elder Son
3 years ago

I don’t wear face diapers. I have personally been exposed to 17 “PCR tested positive” people, that I know of. This doesn’t include the “PCR tested positive” people that my wife has been exposed to, and I exposed to her. This doesn’t include our family and circle of friends that have been exposed to “PCR tested positive” people, and all of us being exposed to each other. Not one of us, except one, got sick, or even the sniffles. That one had just finish chemotherapy and has type 2 diabetes… DURING FLU SEASON in late December. One week before he was hospitalized, we both had our heads under the hood of his car. He was breathing within inches of me. He occasionally coughed within inches of me. And neither one of us were wearing face diapers. 5 days later, he was hospitalized. 5 days later, he was released, and on that day I visited him. Not ONE PERSON that he had exposed himself to, got sick, or the sniffles. Not even his wife who he sleeps with. That day that I visited him after being released from the hospital, he told me his “never before seen Covid symptoms”. I told him to look up all the symptoms of severe flu. Then I told him I had all his symptoms 30 years ago when I had… the severe flu, of which I still carry the scared lungs from. But… but… I’ve never been this sick before! No shit! I was never that sick before either, until I got that sick! But… but… I know someone who got sick, and/or died! Because NO ONE has ever knew anyone who got sick and/or died before! I haven’t been sick in 30 years since, except for a bacterial infection I got 5 or so years ago cleaning my garage of massive field mice poop and sealed every nook and cranny I could find. It just goes to prove that MPAI’s, and yes, they can spit in peoples face, and people will call it dew. And a “virus” so “contagious and dangerous” that I, my entire family and friends, should have dropped dead in a China street. What a con-job. They pulled out America’s eyeball and skull f**ked them while dumping loads of massive propaganda and fear into their cranial space.