Property Rights on the 10th Anniversary of Kelo v. City of New London

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9 years ago

The day is coming very shortly when the black bolshevik islamic in the evil house will annul all property lines because he will claim its racist and he will begin to transfer properties by stealing them from Honest Americans and transferring them to the islamic terrorists, Hispanics and black Africans who are not even citizens of our nation, he will make all sorts of wild insane fanatical claims and with the help of the other Negro islamic loving African Lynch in the DOJ. this is coming folks I have read some things about this. you will go home one day to find alien invaders on your property with the new deeds and the police will protect them and not you. what do you do then folks,live in the street while these invaders enjoy the property that has been in your family for generations. Wars is coming folks and these people who put the nation into this mess will be swallowed in turmoil and war they purposely pushed on the American people. As i sit here today writing my comment Hillary is a calling for a race riot, the third black president to be elected in 2016. I say third because her semen spattering husband was called the first black president. The Bolsheviks in the congress are even begin to speak about property lines and the readjustment of them, to even speak about it is treason.