Protecting your home from the anarchist little green men.

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4 years ago

All Good Ideas for ‘Passive Defenses’, but the Reality is, any type of static defenses that would be effective Obstacles, like Razor Wire, Pits, Deadfalls, even Fireworks-type Alerting Devices, all would be considered by the .gov Parasites as “Booby Traps” and you will be Persecuted for them just as if you had Dumped a few Mags into the Trespassers. Even ‘brandishing a Weapon’ at Thugs in your back yard is ‘illegal’.

Eventually, when the .gov is no longer able to Persecute the Citizens for Self-Defense, it will be necessary to employ Proper Methods of Static Defense, like Punji Sticks, Flame Fougasse, Tripwire Shotgun Shells, etc. And Expect to have to use them against government thugs, too.

p.s. if you try things like raised beds, thick, thorn bushes, or anything of the sort in one of those ‘homeowner’s association’ neighborhoods, you are screwed.