Protest, Violence and Now Disease

The Occupy Wall Street movement was launched across the United States on the World Wide Day of Rebellion. Although the rallies were supposed to be peaceful protests, the plan outlined by Stephen Learner, Francis Fox-Piven and Van Jones was always intended to overthrow the government through violence. The violence erupted as promised and the police were thrown to the wolves by the politicians.

Now disease is breaking out in the unsanitary conditions fostered in the occupation camps. Tuberculosis is now being reported at Occupy Atlanta:

“Over the last three months, two persons who have resided in this facility have been diagnosed with confirmed or suspected infectious tuberculosis (TB). One of these persons was confirmed to have a strain of TB that is resistant to a single, standard medication used to treat this condition. All person(s) identified as positive have begun treatment and are being monitored to ensure that medication is taken as directed.”

Fulton County Services Director Matthew McKenna

When are we going to see politicians stand up to the occupation instead of pandering to them for votes or personal power objectives? I wonder how many celebrities and politicians will stand with them personally and risk the chance of infection by a drug resistant strain of bacteria or virus?

David DeGerolamo

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