Protesters with violent past plan to attend DNC

I found a different video concerning the “protesters” coming out in Charlotte for the DNC since the News and Observer’s article did not have their video linked or embedded. I am surprised that this “media outlet” has a staff writer who knows about Guy Fawkes. Time will tell if the country is on the verge of civil war. If we are, I do not think anyone will be able to just sit it out: you will have to pick a side. Choose wisely because Liberty may not be worth the government’s hollow points to most people. Which is how we got here.

David DeGerolamo

From the News & Observer: 

The YouTube video is blurry, the voice on the recording intentionally distorted. A person sits behind a desk wearing a smiling Guy Fawkes mask, holds papers in a mock newscast, and issues a call for action.

The video encourages militias, computer hackers and activists to descend on the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., next week.

“We hope to see a large amount of freedom fighters, Occupy protesters, militias and other groups that are against the tyrannical rule of our current so-called government,” the voice says.


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