Protests Erupt In South Korea Over Massive Vaccination Deaths

Protests Erupt In South Korea Over Massive Vaccination Deaths

Owing to reports of deaths and other ‘adverse health events’ triggered by vaccines produced by a handful of pharmaceutical giants, most notably Pfizer and Moderna, South Koreans are taking to the streets to protest their governments’ refusal to acknowledge thousands of deaths that many believe were caused by vaccines.

In South Korea, more than 10K people have died under murky circumstances shortly after being vaccinated. The government has agreed to report a connection in a handful of serious cases.


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3 years ago

Nothing changes without Blood.
The Blood and The Death(S) of those that FORCED this Poison on people.
We wont even delve into “Thy Exemption Crowd” (its so dangerous, then WHY Exemptions)

Meanwhile, Zombies ARE REAL.
Just go stand in the middle of your town, goto a bar, restaurant or the mall.
Sit. Watch. AND Listen !

Zombies are real, and Merca is 50% zombie anyhow.

3 years ago

Red Alert Rapid Home Tests
WASHINGTON — A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has released a media sheet detailing the Abbott BinaxNOW COVID-19 Home Test Kit which is chalked full of contradictory statements but also stunning admissions. Worry! Sodium Azide

Poison !

Joe Biden announced last week that he, actually the American taxpayers, was purchasing 500 million at-home test kits at a cost of $3 billion. He also announced the use of military to be sent across the nation to administer COVID-19 “vaccines.”

URGENT: Abbott BinaxNOW COVID-19 Home Test Kit Contains Lethal Ingredient Sodium Azide