If you are planning on helping families at a food bank this season, things you probably don’t know.
— James Hughes (@nailbender1974) November 17, 2024
1. Everyone donates Kraft Mac and Cheese in the box. They can rarely use it because it needs milk and butter which is hard to get from regular food banks.
2. Boxed milk is a… pic.twitter.com/FQylEe7mcy
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Not trying to be cruel here but I always thought that food banks were to assist people in need; not feed them from top to bottom. When I was growing up, there were times where all we had in the house was beans. Not often cause my parents would work two jobs.
People in WNC have nothing including jobs in some cases.
Great tips. May as well make your donations as easy to prepare for the unfortunates. And make a point to donate SOMETHING -- some day you may be in the same predicament.
I just send money. Notwithstanding people that have undergone true disaster like Eastern Tennessee and North Carolina, etc., the folks that show up to the food bank down the street here often have much nicer and newer cars than anyone in the neighborhood does. Makes me cynical. I still donate but still, I wonder.
Our church had a food bank. The ones gifted the food would take the items to the grocery store and get a refund. We started blacking out the barcodes and they quit coming for our free food. Funny that.
Cash and surplus garden produce are always a hit. I used to run a very high volume meat department back when box stores where still a thing. I had a customer who’d come in and spend a couple grand a week for meat for the food bank she ran with money she got from donations. Also, whole fryers and bagged leg quarters are great bang for the meat buck, and much less expensive than grocery store ground beef which is basically garbage nowadays anyway.