Psychiatrist assesses the state of our country …


 Posted 18 September 2012 by Dr. Sanity

I never thought I would see the day that Liberty itself was crucified on the altar of political correctness; but I can now see the outline of the cross on the horizon:

On a day when Egypt is appeasing its mob by issuing arrest warrants for the people responsible for the film (a capital offense there, do note), this is what’s running in the biggest paper in Los Angeles. Turns out the author, Sarah Chayes, is a former assistant to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, which is no surprise. As Matt Welch notes, lately the strongest pressure on private citizens to limit their criticism of Islam has come from the top of the Pentagon. Bob Gates called Terry Jones when he first threatened to burn a Koran to ask him to stand down, then Martin Dempsey called him again a few days ago when the Mohammed movie broke big. Not content with asking citizens not to make Islamists mad, Chayes wants to blow a hole through the First Amendment using Supreme Court precedent so that they can be compelled to shut up.

The disgusting and fundamentally anti-American article from the LA Times referenced above, follows Administration thugs coming in the middle of the night to bring the blasphemer in for questioning; as a General in the U.S. Military calls some pastor to discuss his tendency to burn Korans.

Those of us who have noted over the years the cozy, ideological relationship between the political left and radical Islam are not surprised by this behavior (see here and here as only two examples–and there are many more on this blog). It makes perfect metaphysical, epistemological and ethical sense, since Radical Islam and today’s progressive, postmodern leftists–led by the current President of the United States, sadly-share the same philosophical premises as any run of the mill suicide bomber. Only their behavior has not yet escalated to the violence of the bomber, since they do not yet have to resort to violence to achieve their sharia.

Make no mistake, however, this is the prelude to the end of America. A prelude to the end of the precious IDEA that is America.

In less than 4 years, the Bill of Rights is well on its way to being supplanted by Islamic blasphemy laws with the purpose of restricting free speech; while at the same time all the President’s men and women are intent on limiting the rights of Christians to practice their religion in the public sphere; and turning a blind eye to Iran’s dream of a world without Israel or the Jews.

The progressive dream of a “living, breathing Constitution” that can change with the whim of a future dictator can now be seen to personify that document so that it can once and for all be distorted, maimed and even murdered by the postmodern elite.

Mitt Romney is excoriated by a Rodeo Clown Media because he dared to speak several Truths (about dependence on government by almost half of the US population; and the unremitting Palestinian and Arab hatred of Jews and Israel) that no one in the medial or on the left wants to hear.

When Truths are gleefuly proclaimed as gaffes; when Islamic terrorism in Egypt and Libya and around the globe is treated as if it were a criminal matter, instead of a matter of national security; when speaking out against Islam in the United States of America is treated as a possible crime by our own government; when our “free” media thinks the big story is Mitt Romney’s daring to criticize Supreme Leader Obama when our Libyan Ambassador and others are murdered and the black flags of Al Qaeda fly over US embassies around the world; when you have a privileged, entitled jackass like Sandra Fluke (who demands that you pay for her birth control) highlighted and celebrated by a major political party–then you know that the American idea of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is coming to a catastrophic an end, not with a bang, but a whimper.

The very essence of America is what is at stake this November.

It may already be too late to turn things around. I hope not. Four years ago, I would never have thought it possible, but now I think that it is more than probable. We have been dragged to the edge of a moral, political, and economic cliff.

If Barack Obama were running against a dishrag, I would vote for the dishrag.

UPDATE: Here is the video of Mitt Romney, which supposedly is so controversial. Quite frankly, I like him even more as a candidate and don’t think his views are particularly extreme since they are based on truth. In particular, I liked the foreign policy aspects of his remarks and am reassured that he is not spineless or apologetic about American exceptionalism and power–like our current CIC. (NOTE: There is some controversy about whether this has been selectively edited by Mother Jones)

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12 years ago

911 was an inside job. The USA will never be under Sharia law -- this is globalist/Neo Con propaganda. The CIA and British intelligence created al Qaeda. When our guns are taken away and our currency is worthless I wonder if there will still be useful idiots ranting about Muslim extremism. One more point: IF the illegal war on terror was real why have our borders never been secured, whether under W or Sotero? The TSA is training us to be slaves.

12 years ago

“We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission.”

Ayn Rand

12 years ago
Reply to  Hans

“Do you mean that you are refusing to obey the law?” asked the judge.
“No. I am complying with the law -- to the letter. Your law holds that my life, my work and my property may be disposed of without my consent. Very well, you may now dispose of me without my participation in the matter. I will not play the part of defending myself, where no defence is possible, and I will not simulate the illusion of dealing with a tribunal of justice.”

“A prisoner brought to trial can defend himself only if there is an objective principle of justice recognised by his judges, a principle upholding his rights, which they may not violate and which he can invoke. The law, by which you are trying me, holds that there are no principles, that I have no rights and that you may do with me whatever you please. Very well. Do it.”

Hank Rearden’s Trial
Atlas Shrugged

Stage 1