What is Ivermectin?
Ivermectin is one of the most important drugs ever discovered, along with penicillin and aspirin, for human use and health. It is an anti-parasitic, but the events surrounding the Covid-19 crime against humanity have revealed that Ivermectin has stunning antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that have been described as “borderline miraculous” in treating viral pneumonia, and as a broad-spectrum prophylactic against cold and flu viruses.
Is Ivermectin safe?
Well, the original patent holder, Merck Pharmaceutical, has donated and dispensed over 3.7 BILLION human doses in the Third World to date, with essentially zero side effects and zero reduction in efficacy since the late 1980s. So, you tell me. 3.7 billion human doses, no side effects. Sounds pretty damn safe to me.
Does Ivermectin treat and/or prevent Covid-19?
Yes. Also influenza and other coronavirus and rhinovirus colds, apparently. All indications are that it is a broad-spectrum antiviral.
How can I get Ivermectin?
Because Covid-19 is a meticulously premeditated crime against humanity designed to serve the agenda of the New World Order/Antichurch of a total “reset” of society, along with a massive, rapid reduction in the human population through both sterilization and induced illness via forced injections under the guise of “vaccines”, most doctors in the post-Christian west refuse to prescribe Ivermectin, either out of fear, or out of alliance with the Covidic political religion. The easiest, most secure and least costly way, by far, to acquire Ivermectin is labeled for livestock use. No prescription is required and it can be purchased off the shelf in any farm supply or equine tack store.
What forms of livestock Ivermectin can I buy and use?
There are two forms: 1% Injectable solution (which we humans take orally by drinking it), and the edible paste form which is marketed for horses.
What about the “pour-on” form?
NO. The pour-on form is designed as a fly repellant to be poured onto and stick for many weeks to the haircoat of livestock. The liquid medium of the pour-on is NOT INGESTIBLE. If you buy and drink the pour-on after reading this, you are stupid. ONLY THE 1% INJECTABLE solution or the horse paste may be ingested. Period.
h/t Kenny at Knuckle Draggin My Life Away
You can also get Ivermectin here: https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/treatments/how-do-i-get-covid-19-medication/
And, can be purchased here: https://www.reliablerxpharmacy.com/
But you need a prescription.
Awesome info! Thanks guys.
I was just making a comment about the use of Zpac, Vitamin D, Zinc and high doeses of vitamin C will kill it like a flu… weird huh. I am not a professional by any means, so ask your doc. Geez. People try to sue for everything, so there is my disclaimer.
How in the hell will we ever trust the docs and scientists “in charge of all consumables” ever again?
I am trying to produce enough, never enough reallybut i also have 4 growing kids. Very hard to avoid store bought stuff, but we’re doing better now.
This is another reason why it seems war is THE PLAN for them. Our Nation is pretty much ruined, bc of these power hungry, sociopath scumbags. (LITERALLY LESS THEN 1% OF THESE EVIL DEMONS) How the…
“They” definitelyyy want us at war! I guess then the “U.n. comes to aid”?
I am not sure how true that is really. I just am skeptical as always.
That Ivermectin article is spot on! Everyone should be armed with Ivermectin.
Tablet form of Ivermectin is available from FLCCC Alliance. Select a doctor from your state, do a teleconference. You’ll get a prescription for the tablet form along with the proper dosage (goes by weight) and how to self-medicate for prophylactic use or for early symptoms of COVID.
My Ivermectin doctor highly recommended NAC daily, along with Vit D and Vit C, Zinc. She also recommended using a nasal spray w/ Xylitol, called XClear. The Xylitol is a mild antiseptic-type plant-based substance and it targets the nasal passages.
A MUCH better nasal treatment is Povidone Iodine 10% solution. There are many studies showing that Povidone Iodine at a 1%-2.5% diluted solution kills viruses and bacteria w/in seconds. For Coronavirus, a 0.5% Povidone Iodine solution kills Coronavirus in 15 seconds in vitro. Use this at 0.5% as a nasal wipe (use a Qtip to swab both nostrils). This nasal wipe can be done before or after possible contact w/ a COVID+ individual. It’s also used as a mouth gargle/rinse. The 10% solution needs to be watered down to the 0.5% concentration. This Iodine is antiseptic and found in drug stores everywhere.
There is a large body of research at PubMed on the efficacy of Povidone Iodine, also loads of YouTube videos. Pls do your research and get better prepped with preventatives.
Bless you for posting this!
Great article, lots of good info . I know someone personally that had taken the Ivermectin horse paste after coming down with COVID . I was like whoa, you took horse paste . He said yea and it knocked the COVID out . So I was glad to read this article here .
The problem with self medication via veterinary products is most people do NOT UNDERSTAND dosing and toxicity. While Ivermectin is not per se a danger to humans the veterinary material is formulated for LARGE ANIMALS….which humans are not. Thus it’s easy to ingest a TOXIC DOSE if one isn’t careful. Almost ALL medications…both human and veterinary…..are TOXIC, meaning they can KILL YOU….if you take too much. So BE EFFING CAREFUL if you are going to try this.
I suggest you read her article in its entirety which addresses this.
Good expiration dates. Legit. A little bird told me.
I ordered Ivermectin from this company (no prescription was necessary).
As you can see it is “backordered”. I thought I’d order some more “just in case” last week and found many companies have the drug backordered.
Ivermectin is manufactured and marketed under many different names. It matters not whether it is vet grade or for humans. The patent ran out some years back so it is inexpensive to produce. Simply make sure what you order is 1% sterile Ivermectin. My tribe has been dosing for sometime. It not only is a preventive measure, but also can be used to treat COVID (and many other ailments i.e. I know cancer patients who have taken it with good results). A dose of Ivermectin costs less than three bucks (.gov pays $95 plus for each vax). Big pharma is losing their minds because people or vaccinating with Ivermectin vs. their snake oil. There is a lot of information on the drug out there. Western countries are about 50/50 pro vs. con. Go to YouTube and see what doctors in India, Africa, and Mexico say about it. All that I have seen are very pro Ivermectin and this is how they slowed (practically stopped) the effects of the COVID virus in their countries.
[…] her and told her to send her husband to Tractor Supply immediately and buy the horse injectable Ivermectin. She called me crazy and I said fine stay sick and possibly die. She caved. Long story short she […]