Publius Huldah’s Article V & Nullification Event in West Chester, Ohio

I will speak on the deadly danger of an Article V convention, and of the two remedies our Framers actually told us to use when the federal government usurps power, at the following event:

Date: Saturday, April 11, 2015
Host:  Building Blocks for Liberty
Location: Lakota West Freshman Auditorium, 5050 Tylersville Road, West Chester, Ohio 45069
Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Eastern Time

See website describing event HERE.

There will also be someone from COS there to tell you that all our problems can be fixed by having a CONVENTION where our Constitution will be “amended”.  The official COS line is that only amendments will be proposed.

But Jordan Sillars, Communications Director for the COS, let the cat out of the bag when he said:

“… 3. I think the majority of Americans are too lazy to elect honest politicians. But I think some men and women could be found who are morally and intellectually capable of re-writing the Constitution” [boldface mine].

So the Communications Director for the COS says our Constitution will be “re-written”.  HERE is the screen shot of Sillar’s comments.

And what will this “re-written” Constitution look like?  Michael Farris’ proposed “parental rights amendment” gives us an ominous warning of what anything Farris has a hand in will look like:  His proposed amendment, which he claims will protect parental rights, actually delegates power over children to the federal and state governments! Read it HERE.

And don’t forget, the re-written Constitution will have its own new mode of ratification.  It need not be 3/4 of the States – it can be any mode of ratification the drafters want.  E.g., the proposed Constitution for the Newstates of America is ratified by a Referendum called by the President.  Read the proposed Newstates Constitution HERE.

The reason these people want a convention is because a new Constitution can only be imposed at a convention.

Any needed Amendments can be made the way the existing 27 Amendments were made!  Congress proposes them and sends them to the States for ratification!  James Madison always said that when States want Amendments, they should instruct their Delegations to Congress to propose them.

Publius Huldah

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Publius Huldah
Publius Huldah
9 years ago

Thank you for posting. I hope all who see this will tell their friends and relations in the West Chester, Ohio area.