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I am not a great fan of Putin; he is one of a few telling the truth and protecting his citizens. He recently stated if you want to flee the globohomo ideology come to Russia.
Even evil person has it right at times.
But when you think deeper on his words. It’s a form of control that he knows if it’s not held in check. It will change the controlling society he has made.
Unfortunately for the USA we like to hold hands with the devil thinking he wouldn’t put us in hell.
See what it has gotten us!
Our nation cannot and will not survive to much longer, especially with over 85 different third world sub-Saharan, Islamic Muslims and Central/ South American vermin cultures, which in turn hate each other as well as Amercian citizens. We will die on the vine unless they are all deported or they kill each other off for what will be left of the freebies handed to them by the demon-rat party.
Phil1350: From my experience as a Peace Officer, especially when I was a rookie jailer, these vermin cultures will turn on each other when the freebies start becoming scarce. They will also turn on the inner-city whites in the Blue Hives. Since most inner-city whites support the Marxist-Infanticide Party, it will be no great loss. I saw this with my own eyes on several occasions. Everyone needs to plan accordingly. Bleib ubrig.
Dweezil if only the vermin stay in their blue hives.
And even then main highways and power grid mains run through those blue hives.
Come to think about it when the blue hives fail so does there sewage systems and a lot of regular towns down stream get there water supply to run through the towns water treatment plant.
Messy situation.
Evil is a bit of a stretch don’t ya think? Can you prove he is evil? Or is that emotion talking?
Putin is correct. What he said should have been, and should always be, the official policy of America’s federal and state governments. And the fact that it hasn’t always been official policy is one of the primary reasons our republic is…dead.
The “Presumption” of “Evil” assigned to Putin is an indication of the Effectiveness of USSa’s Propaganda, even on MAGA people.
America can Be Great, but Russia can’t be??? Seems the USSA’s empire is in the Final stages of Denial prior to Death.
Discernment, Comrades. “America” is Not the DC Feral Grub-Mint.and Russia doesn’t have to Be Our “Enemy”.
God Bless ya Vlad!
Well, the Liberals & Progressives tell us that Putin is bad -- but they thought Lenin & Stalin were just great. I am unaware of any Facts showing that Putin is bad. And from the translations of what he has allegedly said, he seems to me to be a great man. He actually calls down the perverts & the subversives for their evil. I would like to see the source for the posted quote, however.
“They kill us with our love” Green Mile
It’s similar to what a famous pastor/theologian said: “All sheep are welcome in the house of the Lord, but we will NOT change the menu.”
-RC Sproul