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Take Off Your Mask And Get Off Your Knees ! COVID-19 IS FAKE !
Unquestioning Gullibility And Obedient Compliance
Are Unbecoming Of A Patriot !
FACT : Thousands of highly credible and qualified doctors and scientists from around the world are adamantly insisting that Covid-19 is either completely fake or practically harmless and are being deliberately and systematically censored by the Mainstream media and governments. ( Numbers Correspond To Links In CVHOAX.COM ) 2,3,7,8,9,11,14,17,33,34,35,36,40,44,55,59,60,61,62,63,69,76,80,82.83,86,90,104,147,157.
FACT : Covid-19 has never been scientifically proven to exist as it has not met any of the four criteria of Koch’s Postulate which is known as the Gold Standard of proof of a virus’s existence. The scientific study of germs is known as Germ Theory because it’s a THEORY ! Germs have never been proven to exist yet have been used to sell vaccines for over a hundred years. Exosome Theory is far more plausible. If you don’t know what Koch’s Postulate and Exosomes are then you’re not as smart or as well informed as you thought you were. This is an opportune time to drop your know it all attitude and open your ears.
FACT : The creator of the PCR Test used to detect Covid-19 said it was never intended to detect any virus. Every Covid-19 death was caused by something else and falsely attributed to Covid-19. Do you believe hospitals would be tempted to claim that a patient who died of the Flu had instead died of Covid-19 if the Government gave them $50,000.00 to say so ? Dr. Genevieve Briand, Assistant Director for MS in Applied Economics at Johns Hopkins University, has proven the alleged Covid 19 has resulted in no excess deaths. ( 157 ! ) 12,23,24,29,40,94,103,120,122,130,135. 9,10,16,17,27,56,88,89,96,117,118,129,143. 21,25,30,67,68,72,84,150,151. 37. FACT : Wearing a mask is utterly ineffective at blocking a virus. A virus can pass through a mask as easily as swimming under the Golden Gate Bridge. Prolonged mask wearing causes brain damage and respiratory illnesses. The first step to overcoming your mask fetish is to admit you have one. Do you wear your mask in your vehicle or outdoors when no one is near you ? Until recently it was common knowledge that hand sanitizing inhibits one’s immune system while exposure to dirt and filth strengthens one’s immune system. “ Mask Mouth ”. If the Mainstream Media and Government could convince you to do the Hokey Pokey they most certainly would. Unconstitutional and criminal mask mandates are a mass Asch Conformity Experiment. If you’re worried about getting sick, then suffocating yourself is probably not a good idea. Any person wearing two or more masks is actively engaging in
Natural Selection. 40,57,59,70,71,78,79,87,95,101,102,132,139.140.
FACT : The Covid-19 ‘pandemic’ was planned years in advance and has been surreptitiously introduced into the public consciousness through popular culture. Many news articles reporting on Covid-19 are bizarrely coded with strange numbers. 19,20,38,42,46,47,48,52,53,54,56,77,121. 22,39,47,48,52,156.
FACT : Unconstitutional and criminal lockdown laws are destroying your freedom and your economic livelihood and your future. Unconstitutional and criminal lockdown laws are causing the starvation deaths of millions of people in poor countries and soon in formerly wealthy countries. Is it wise to inject yourself with a drug falsely labeled as a vaccine, designed to alter your DNA and sterilize you, to prevent a virus that has never been scientifically proven to exist ? Is it wise for the U.S. Military personnel to be injected with this ‘vaccine’ ? A perfect analogy to comprehend the social dynamic surrounding the public’s enthusiastic willingness to embrace the Covid-19 narrative
without question can be seen in the video titled “Key & Peele, Pegasus Sighting”. Simply change the word “Pegasus” to “Covid-19”. Orson Welles’ War Of The Worlds broadcast also comes to mind. Throughout history rulers have used human being’s deep desire to feel like they’re contributing to the greater good to manipulate the public to act against their own best interests. “A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon.” -- Napoleon Bonaparte. The Emperor wears no clothes. Educate yourself or perish. 105,126,127,146,149,154,155. 18,50,51,65,74,75,85,92,100,106,107,108,113,114,119,128,134,149,152,153,158,159,160,161.
FACT : Lawsuits are currently being pursued against governments and other players that deceived the public to accept unconstitutional and criminal lockdown laws based on a fraudulent test to detect the nonexistent Covid-19. 58,59,64,91,124,131,141.
FACT : Four out of five Stanley Milgrams surveyed recommend critical thinking for their patients who want to live in reality and not blindly follow orders from whomever they consider to be an authority. 157,162.
FACT : Decades of thorough documentation of placebos and nocebos conclusively and irrefutably prove that human beings can both heal and sicken themselves with their thoughts and feelings alone. Ray Charles. Thalidomide. Catherine Austin Fitts:
Planet Lockdown, the missing 21 Trillion Dollars and FASAB 56. (163).
Well said!
I have found it greatly Entertaining by responding to those who (very infrequently) ask me why I don’t wear a mask -- I respond by saying “Sheep, and Slaves, wear Muzzles. What are You?”
Also, I’ve said, “My Horse is Smarter than that, why should I?”