Question: Why is there no middle ground in online discussion? Why is everyone so radicalized now?

Jim Stone:

Short answer: Because the wheat is now being separated from the tares, and:

Revelation 3:16

So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of My mouth.

I do not want to turn this site into the “bible bash” channel, but people need to be aware of this. Take a side now. Decide NOW. “radicalize” NOW. There is nothing at all wrong with being a radical, the left hates “right wing radicals” and will spew every obscenity against them, because it takes a “right wing radical” to counteract a “left wing radical” while the “lukewarm” have no impact on anything at all. Evil wants good to be “lukewarm”, and not stirred to action.

What is lukewarm? Most likely, as I see it anyway?

“Lukewarm” on the conservative side would be anyone unwilling to suffer great hardship in the name of God, and/or die for a cause. “Lukewarm” on the leftist side would be “Anyone unwilling to do an abortion, or sex change a 10 year old who’s clueless.” Anyone who would not inject someone with the death shot because their morals stopped them, but they are OK with a pile of other bad things.

It seems to me, from scripture, that God is most disgusted with the lukewarm who refused to take a side, floating in the middle of nowhere like a derilict waiting to be collided with and sink a ship. It is indeed the lukewarm that will sink the right, there are not enough radical leftists out there to “do the job” without mass complacency, perhaps their greatest asset.

I don’t know what to do at this point except preach, and that’s never been what this site is about. However, we are so far down the hellhole now that news is irrelevant, because it is already well proven that no one is going to stick their neck out and stop the madness.

I had hoped this web site would be my second to the last great work, but it is beginning to look like it will be my last great work (because all potential to go beyond this was destroyed) and after what I went through with security issues today I am questioning whether or not I will get what I need to rebuild and pull off one last great thing – helping people who fled the mark – providing “refuge in the wilderness”. I’ll probably be the one needing help at that time.

DO NOT let a leftist intimidate you in day to day life. “Lukewarm” is afraid of offending someone. When anyone who’s obviously serving the dark side attacks you or tries to lower you FIGHT BACK. Tell them they are a POS because they can’t figure out where a cock goes, or worse, they know and enjoy putting it where they damn well know it does not belong. Ditto for many many other leftist issues, including “reparations” from those who never owed, “redistribution of wealth” from hard workers to the worthless who COULD work but choose not to – forcing the mark of the beast, the whole 9 yards, including the vax – if any of them tell you you were crap for avoiding that shot, just haul off and say “I am not spiritually dead, obviously you are.” Spidey senses alone should have been enough to say NO, it should not have taken a magnet stick vid or blood clot vid.

Root in deep NOW. Spend whatever time is left rooting in deeper and deeper, to make good and sure the storm, which is no longer on the horizon, will not sweep you into the ditch. The twister is approaching, and “I think we’re going in”.

Now is NOT the time to be polite!


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1 year ago

Divide and Conquer has worked for millennia. Why shouldn’t it work now? If we keep thinking left vs right, it will.
Has anyone on this blog ever actually experienced today’s V2K (voice to skull) mind control technology? I have, and it’s SUBTLE. If you aren’t at least somewhat ready for it -- you could be taken down by it.
I was a Progressive. I can’t recognize me in the group that calls itself Progressive now. A real progressive is a labor activist. That’s it. Real Progressives want fair wages/benefits and the corruption out of unions. The Wobblies died in massacres and should have had guns and fought back intelligently.
If I have to cough up a label for myself, I’m an “all issue activist.” I leverage my generalist personality and try to see as much of the big picture as I can.
Right now, all I can see is it’s ALL of us vs the Globalist Satanic Financial Elites… only some of the ALL doesn’t realize what fight they are in yet… and that is about to change. Shit is coming that is going to bring the Democrats -- who are not fighting the globalists -- to their knees.

Billy Rally
Billy Rally
1 year ago
Reply to  60GigaHertz

The GOP’ers ain’t fighting Globohomo tyranny either.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Look throughout history as chronicled in the Bible, God’s people were neither lukewarm or cold when they were in obedience to God. I consider myself a radical as to what has happened and is happening in the fallen Republic, I will not look left or right, but focus with tunnel vision straight ahead. At 72yrs old, I still work out daily and pray and meditate for direction from God almighty. It is beyond evil what has become of the country, I will not be swayed what needs to be done, our very lives depend upon it, TINVOWOOT.

1 year ago

I recently discovered through a social media conversation with a gen Zer (which she started the inquiry) that refused to listen to a Biblical response to a current social issue. Said I was “attacking her with my religion.” Which I was in no way attacking her. A Rebellious generation. Sadly, it’s getting difficult to reach this young generation. God is separating the wheat from the chaff and only FEW make it. Matthew 7:13-14

1 year ago

I may be wrong & or others might understand this differently- but far right would be reactionary ( leave me alone,push me I SMASH you, I don’t need orders or controlling, I can take care of myself, I will look for common ground if none exists perhaps we can coexist) my assumption is the political spectrum is circular therefore far left 0r radical (all must act alike,resist we smash you,you must be told what to do and follow orders,all must live together and be the same , total control) radical seeks to destroy everything in place to create dependency (control) reactionary seeks to destroy everything in place to eliminate dependency (freedom)both meet at anarchy because anarchy allows both sides to move towards their respective goal and at that point both sides are working together even if not realizing it nothing will change until one side out does the other or they decide to put space between them again I am quite reactionary but will live by God’s laws I believe a radical lives by HIS OWN rules I don’t know where the space between us would come from I don’t want to be called a radical I believe that is the other (none Godly)side