Quietly Watching

After civil unrest in Israel and strikes/shutdowns of Israeli facilities over the past few days, Netanyahu has backed off his plan to overhaul their judicial system. This comes at a time of crisis as Israel is facing a nuclear armed Iran.

What will the spark be in our country? We do not need a judicial overhaul because the Department of Justice is already a weaponized political instrument. We live in a two-tiered justice system but more importantly, we accept it. Just as we accept the results of fraudulent elections, financing bioweapons to make poisonous vaccines to generate profits and attacking our religion. I will stop the list here as most readers already know the long train of abuses and usurpations.

But the time is coming. I just wanted to point out that although protests may cause people to be incarcerated as political prisoners, we do outnumber them. And we are right, honor bound to fight evil and at some point, we will understand that there are some things worse than dying.

David DeGerolamo

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Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

Many will be called, but only a few will answer.

1 year ago
Reply to  Louis Jenkins

And then the rest must choose sides.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 year ago

Thats it.
Nobody wants to be the first ant out of the anthill. But when that day comes, boy howdy!

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Websters dictionary 1828, moral definition: Relating to the practice, manners or conduct of men as social beings in relation to each other, and with reference to right and wrong. The userpers have corrupted everything, we are not innocent in what has occurred and is still happening. It seems that the good times have created a nation of weak men, just how do we go about restoring our freedom and liberty? The Republic is nothing but a corpse, the communists rule over us with complete abandon, there is nothing to fear from we the people, a docile and pathetic nation of whiners, that is how I assume they see us. If you need some money join antifa or blm, they just won a lawsuit in Philly and are going to get paid for the rioting, looting and murder. Moral will soon be labeled rascist, you say at some point, at this point I don’t think so. At this point I am waiting for them to arrest me, as I was speaking to boldly, pretty much done with that, enjoy.

Last edited 1 year ago by tom finley
Michael D (Australia)
Michael D (Australia)
1 year ago

These protests are for a good cause, which the media isn’t really talking about. Israel is appointing those extreme Orthodox types as judges that not even the average Jew wants.
Listen to this lady, Jana Ben-Noon (or Benun), an ex practitioner of Judaism who converted to Christianity. Jana & her husband were very good friends with Pastor Paul Begley until they had a falling out over the issue of Noahide Laws. Jana has warned on the dangers of this subject whereas Pastor Paul is for them.