Race divisions in the United States will ultimately lead to our demise as a nation. Just as in sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East, America is divided into various tribes—factions and groups of people who don’t like each other very much. And just like in Africa, the ongoing genocide is blamed on everything but the killers themselves—colonialism is the scapegoat in Africa, while in America its white supremacy and privilege.
The new buzz word slogan by the black fringe left is “Black lives matter”—and certainly they do. Unfortunately; their lives seemingly matter more to white people than to blacks. If blacks actually think that black lives matter why do they abort their unborn and butcher each other on the streets in such staggering numbers? If black lives actually matter why are the Congressional Black Caucus, NAACP, and the race pimps so silent regarding the black genocide? White supremacy is blamed for the black carnage—but, how many blacks are actually killed by “white supremacy?” My guess is a number approximating zero!!!
Slavery in America has been outlawed for more than 150 years. The Civil Rights Act has been the law of the land for more than fifty years. National Guard troops were used to enforce government mandated integration of schools. White kids were bussed to black schools and blacks moved to white schools. Schools have been dumbed down in an attempt to close the achievement gap—this has only served to lower the quality of education for all. Public and private speech has been modified with regard to race—and white people, who misspoke, even in a presumed private setting, have been punished. Vile black speech gets a pass!
The playing field has been more than level for many years with set asides, quotas, affirmative action, minority hiring practices, minority college preferences—the list goes on and on. Unfortunately, much of black intelligence has been devoted to devising creative methods of living off the dole, rather than availing themselves of the opportunities which have been provided. Different social programs have been created to establish a short-term remedy—for many it has merely established a sub-culture of dependency for life. The desire to be a separate culture has endured and proven to be costly in terms of assimilation and economic growth. The need to give babies unusual names, dress in a peculiar fashion, and speak in Ebonics or pigeon English continue to be a higher priority than achieving a quality education and/or learning a marketable skill.
The problem is that conceding more and more to our minorities is simply not enough—and never will be. Since the unfortunate and horrific killings in Charleston, everything and everyone has been blamed except the guy who did the killing. Politicians have been falling all over themselves in their efforts to denounce the Confederate flag. Why? Will its removal from some state buildings: close the achievement gap, decrease black illegitimacy, or reduce the number of inner cities murders? No—it will merely remove another excuse. But, another scapegoat for lack of economic and social progress will emerge—as long as there are race pimps you can count on it!
Now there is even an outcry to abolish the United States flag because some of our founders owned slaves. The fact that slavery has been a part of human civilization for as long as there has been recorded history seems to elude those who seek a reason to justify stagnation—and for the most part blacks have always captured their brethren and supplied them as the free labor. Even as you read this, slavery is alive and well—blacks enslave blacks in Africa today.
W. E. B. DuBois alluded to the Talented Tenth—the ten percent of blacks who achieve and build a quality life for themselves. The hope was that this ten percent would inspire the majority of other blacks to be motivated to achieve—the optimism in the widespread desire of blacks to advance as a community of people and assimilate into European culture was ill-founded. And there is nothing to suggest that DuBois’s dream will ever become reality!
This concludes Part I. Have a good week from Sterling, AK. Bill Shuey is a freelance writer from North Carolina.
The real problem is the black culture is a Godless culture. They live to please themselves and the heck with others. The only way that they will change is if they turn to God.
I do not believe that this to be true. Look at the influence that the black church had on Bonhoeffer. The black family was very strong until the social engineering of the government destroyed it and made life cheap. Although I could make an argument that black lives do not matter based on 14 million black babies that have been aborted by their own consent, I know that the black church is doing good work and that we are all Americans. It is past time that we understand that God is in control and we all face the Lord’s judgment. I do not believe that God looks at his children with hyphens.
Percentage wise, how name black people go to a church where Chist’s traching are actually taught? Heck, how many actually profess that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior. As a segement of society, they have turned their backs on God. That is why they act the way they do.
I would also ask the same question of white Christians. The majority of our churches have failed us and the Lord.
And that is why the country is in the situtation it is in. But I am willing to bet percentage wise, it is quite a bit larger than the black community.
Certainly spirituality is a part of the equation--but self-respect and a desire to assimilate into the mainstream of society are the main ingredients needed. Some atheists are ethical people--some Christians are morally bankrupt.
And some mass murders are likable people. But I did not think that the odd balls are the one that we base our preception of society on.