There’s undoubtedly an increased interest in race in America. Many Americans, myself included, believe that race relations have worsened under the Obama regime, and there are some numbers to back that up (chart below). In my unlicensed opinion, the exploitation of these rifts has been intentional. I do believe that the regime has great interest in fanning the flames and promoting the comeuppance for a generation of whites who had absolutely nothing to do with slavery or Jim Crow… although you wouldn’t know that by listening to some of the regime’s tripe.
Recent protestors in Ferguson, however, chanted, “We’re ready for war!” Farrakhan’s been calling for blacks to desert the U.S. Army and to “rise up” and start killing. Black Lives Matter protestors, who disrupted a political event for perhaps the only candidate who takes them seriously, have promised more agitation. These examples are from a small but not insignificant minority of blacks. (Just like the KKK is not representative of all whites, neither are these groups representative of all blacks.) But I don’t think this regime is as interested in preventing racial violence as they are in giving it the wink.
Two of the things we begin looking for when examining potential insurgencies are 1) a shared grievance along ethnic, racial, societal, religious or ideological lines, and 2) leadership who offer political solutions through violence. These two signatures of violent insurgency are what we call the pre-insurgency phase. So from a threat intelligence perspective, I believe the topic of racial violence deserves some due diligence.
screw them and there black live matters islamic bolshevik Marxist crap. I could care less about these ignorant dumb ass Negros, aren’t you people tired of this already.