“Racist Vikings” Prowl Finland’s Streets

Last weekend, some 1,700 Germans turned out for a PEGIDA rally in Cologne to protest the wave of sexual assaults that unfolded in the city on New Year’s Eve in the town center.

PEGIDA nearly faded into obscurity early last year when then-leader Lutz Bachmann posted a picture of himself dressed as Hitler on Facebook with the caption “He’s Back”, but thanks to the 1.1 million Mid-East asylum seekers that poured across Germany’s borders in 2015, the anti-immigrant group has seen something of a resurgence over the past six or so months.

While the group claims to be looking out for the interests of the German people, some draw disturbing parallels between PEGIDA and a dangerous far-right ideology linked to extreme nationalism.

Unsurprisingly, movements like PEGIDA aren’t confined to Germany. In Finland the streets are now patrolled by the The “Soldiers of Odin,” a kind of vigilante justice brigade with political overtones and the trappings of a biker gang. The men don black bomber jackets adorned with the Finnish flag and a symbol of a Viking and say they are interested in helping police keep native Finns safe.


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Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

So people defending themselves, the wives, their daughters, their mothers, their fathers their brothers, their sons, and their land are “racist?”

Does anyone really need more proof as to the nature of the egalitarian, godless, globalist invention of ‘racism?’

Tom Angle
9 years ago

They call them vigilante for protecting them and theirs. While the treasonous murders in the government are honored and respected. Freakin’ stand up Europe and take your lives back before it is too late.

Tom Angle
9 years ago

Sorry got a little emotional there.

Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

Reason without passion often yield little result but when combined much can be accomplished, with a firm reliance upon the Almighty.

9 years ago

“Racism” has become a meaningless word, so thoroughly has it been abused.
I would rather be called a “racist” than a “socialist” or “communist” any day -- because those words still have a true and derogatory meaning, whereas being called a “racist” has now become a badge of honor, for those who speak truth in the face of an abominably PC society intent upon self-delusion, and ultimately self-destruction. Witness the New Year’s Eve violence across Germany if you have any stupid questions remaining.

Go ahead, call me a racist, and I will wear it with dignified honor. I hate islam, and I hate all muslims. Islam is not a “race” -- it is a religion, and religion is a choice. In the case of islam, it is a choice to live in violent opposition to everthing which is good, true, and beautiful about Western Society.

It is a choice to undermine any and all secular law in favor of you barbaric Sharia, and thus a choice which goes against every reasonable sense of Justice whatsoever.

It is a choice to raise your children as sub-human -- making of your boys ignorant, violent, irrational killing machines; and making of your girls chattel property, without rights or dignity.

It is a choice to restrain the development of your society, stunting it’s development to the standards set by a 7th Century warlord with an unrestrained desire to sexually abuse children.

It is a choice to maintain yourselves outside of our civil society, by your ubiquitous denials of the validity of fundamental human rights, such as the Right to Follow One’s Personal Conscience, the Right to Associate and Speak without restraint, and the Right to Defend One’s Community and Society.

By choosing to be a muslim, you choose all these things; and thus they are the consequences of your choice. Neither you, as a muslim, nor the communist/socialists, nor any other group, can avoid the consequences of your choices.

And among the consequences of choosing to be a muslim, is that you are unwelcome in our communities -- we find you to be an enemy of all that we hold dear, and we shall use whatever means become necessary to defend our families against you, your co-religionists, and your society in general.

You are anathema; wholly and fundamentally repugnant; and because you are also violent, we do hereby swear unending warfare upon you and all of your kind, forever, without quarter or mercy, until such time as your religion shall be eliminated from the entire face of the earth, and it’s very memory shall fade from the minds of men.

You have chosen to be a problem, and thus have you caused us to choose a solution --

Kill every last muslim,
Burn every last copy of their satanic book.
Burn every last mosque to the ground.
Burn every last dwelling they have occupied,
And wherever you must burn,
Salt the ground heavily.


Tom Angle
9 years ago

Tell us how you really feel LT.