Radiation Alert?

🇷🇺🇺🇦 Experts draw attention to the fact that the fire at the site of a missile attack on a military warehouse in Khmelnitsky is being extinguished remotely by robots. Dosimetric patrols work in the city. Measurements of the radiation background are carried out “in uncharacteristic places.” If earlier they were made in the area where the Khmelnytsky NPP was located (Neteshyn and its environs), now they are made in the regional center, in the west of the region and in Ternopil. After arriving at the military warehouse, the wind was blowing in a westerly direction. The authorities are silent about the work of patrols.

“My friends from Ukraine reported that the Westerners are panicking. They collect belongings and scratch away from Khmelnitsky, and from Lviv and Ternopil. From everywhere where there are Ukrainian military units, warehouses, repair shops. Locals whisper that the detonated warehouse in Khmelnitsky was filled to the brim with depleted uranium shells. And my sources confirm this, ” writes political scientist Yuri Kot.

After the explosion, an increase in gamma radiation was recorded in the city. The release continues to grow. Given that depleted uranium emits a relatively small dose of gamma radiation, the current surge indicates the destruction of a very large stockpile of munitions, which sent uranium dust into the air.


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1 year ago

Pure BS. Depleted uranium is U*238. U-238 breaks down by ALPHA DECAY. It is an alpha emitter not a gamma emitter. Look it up if you doubt me.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bob

From Wikipedia
Uranium emits alpha particles through the process of alpha decay. External exposure has limited effect. Significant internal exposure to tiny particles of uranium or its decay products, such as thorium-230, radium-226 and radon-222 can cause severe health effects, such as cancer of the bone or liver.

Uranium is also a toxic chemical, meaning that ingestion of uranium can cause kidney damage from its chemical properties much sooner than its radioactive properties would cause cancers of the bone or liver.

Not exactly something you want blown up and scattered across YOUR Neighborhood, eh?

1 year ago
Reply to  Bob

Correct me if I’m wrong, but my understanding is that “depleted uranium” is the left over from processing to produce fissionable material. It’s not just cheap to use, you’re actually *paid* to use it, because you would otherwise have to find some safe way to dispose of it. This would imply that it contains a great many isotopes.

But of course the argument is moot: We *know* what this stuff does. It’s been all over battlefields for many years. We have the data.

1 year ago

This is going to poison the entire area and cause countless birth defects/cancer, just like Iraq.

1 year ago

How hazardous is uranium dust from depleted U238 ?

That might help all of us see if there is an issue to be concerned about.

I think that many get hyper at the mention of nuke materials or uranium, Thus, this report may be fear porn to hyperventilate the masses….

1 year ago

EPA states about depleted uranium.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jane

if DU is ingested or inhaled, it is a serious health hazard. Alpha particles directly affect living cells and can cause kidney damage.

1 year ago

🇺🇸Robert F. Kennedy Jr commented on Instagram:
“In another reckless escalation, Britain has confirmed delivery of depleted uranium munitions to Ukraine. DU munitions should be banned. They partially vaporize on impact, poisoning the environment with uranium dust that causes cancer and horrific birth defects.”

1 year ago

How about Elon Musk’s 12,000 constellation satellites irradiating us from Near Earth Orbit (300 miles)? Anyone not getting rid of wi-fi / smart tech / LED’s and taking iodine drops and staying alkaline is going to get cancer.
Oh, and there’s another 440,000 satellite permit applications waiting over at the FCC. Feel like venting your spleen on the worthless corporate shills that call themselves the US Congress? 202-224-3121.

1 year ago
Reply to  60GigaHertz

Musk’s birds operate at a much lower frequency than gamma, and 300 miles is quite a long ways for the inverse-square law.

Iodine is just to overwhelm radioactive elements that displace iodine in your body, so only useful if you’re exposed to fallout. No effect on gamma, or any other electromagnetic radiation.