Many of the exact same groups that participated in Occupy Wall Street and helped organize protest rallies in Ferguson and Baltimore are now promising to bring us “the largest civil disobedience actions in a generation”. I recently wrote about the trouble that radical leftists have caused by attempting to disrupt Trump campaign events, but now there is a very organized effort to turn this into a national movement. On March 19th, thousands of angry protesters will descend on Trump Tower in New York City to denounce Donald Trump’s “fascist policies”, and on April 2nd dozens of leftist organizations will join together to launch “Democracy Spring” in Philadelphia. From there, large numbers of liberal activists will march to Washington D.C. where they will “risk arrest” during a “peaceful” sit-in at the U.S. Capitol from April 11th to April 18th. If the radical left is this freaked out about Donald Trump now, how bad will things get if he actually becomes the Republican nominee?
I suppose that it was only a matter of time before the radical left began to specifically target Trump properties. I hope that Trump has good security, because it will definitely be tested starting tomorrow…
Left-wing demonstrators have announced their latest anti-Trump event – a march on Trump Tower in New York City to protest against The Donald’s “fascist policies”.
I voted for Cruz and I have a number of issues with Trump…but the radical Left is making a huge miscalculation on these shut down the 1st amendment tactics…they will turn millions like me who see Trump as the lesser of two evils…(as far as voting for the lesser this won’t be my first rodeo) into Trump supporters!
Hmmm…thanks for the link, I hadn’t ran across it yet. I agree the minions of the radical Left are using the flash-point of Trump within their overall strategy. Here is a reminder from 2010 and one of reasons I became a blade in the TEA Party movement.
Thanks for the reminder.