Rand Paul: Congress Is Not Allowed To Know About ‘Top Secret’ Gain-Of-Function Research-Committee

Appearing on Fox News to discuss the first ever Senate hearing on gain of function research, Rand Paul revealed that there is a committee that is supposed to oversee such experimentation with potentially lethal viruses, but that it is above the oversight of Congress.

Senator Paul chaired the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs subcommittee hearing because no Democrats even bothered to show up.



Consider the information above. Then throw in the Russian assertion that the US was responsible for SARS-COV2 and the subsequent deaths of millions of people.


When Russia declares war on the United States based on the evidence that it is directing the war in Ukraine, which countries will stand by us?

Our chickens have come home to roost. And the rest of the world will celebrate our downfall. The price of apathy and the loss of Liberty, morality and righteousness will have a high price. I pray that the world’s next Nuremberg trials will hold those responsible for these crimes and subsequent genocide.

David DeGerolamo

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strider 777
2 years ago

Your last paragraph says it all. Sadly, I could not agree more.

2 years ago

Why is it that Ralph Baric at the UNC lab has never been put under oath to testify. Wouldn’t it be nice if the taxpayers who fund the UNC lab could hear him testify. What are they afraid of? Even when he lies under oath, he will never be prosecuted

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Magrit

Same reason Rand can’t seem to use the word treason. There is no one in the government moral or honorable. They are all servants of Satan.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

Rand cannot come and out call treason, treason and cannot come out and call for those involved in the murders to be put to death. The only thing he is worried about is making sure it does not happen again. Yeah I sure he is. When there are no checks and balances, we doomed. It is up to us to right these wrongs, not posers like the Paul boys.

Last edited 2 years ago by Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

All they do is talk and talk. They do nothing. What has he done for the Jan 6 prisoners? Cruz is another. He is concerned about a basketball player in jail in Russia but not a word about the j6 political prisoners. Instead this is what he says: Ted Cruz Calling Jan. 6 a ‘Violent Terrorist Attack’ Leaves Trump Supporters Outraged https://www.newsweek.com/ted-cruz-january-6-terrorist-attack-anniversary-1666189
We are on our own

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

The soviets presented evidence of us bio weapons labs in Ukraine to the UN shortly after they started Operation Z. It has been suggested this is one of the reasons they conducted the operation, and did so in the way they did (they knew in advance they were there). They discovered something like 24 separate facilities? How’d that work out? Hauge trials for Fauci? Hearings in NYC? Nope, nothing. Not a word. Not a gosh darned thing ever came of it.


2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

They are too busy putting American patriots in jail to be bothered with such things

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Hearings in NYC lol. NYC is gone. How fast it fell. Here is a NYC in 1956. Can you imagine this today?

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

DoD, admitted the existence of 41 bio-weapons research labs in Ukraine. What about the dozens of other labs around the globe.

2 years ago

We all known the where, what and whom here, why are these people still not incarcerated. Why does fauci continue to make false statements regarding the ongoing situation, and why has he not been arrested and charged with lying to the Congress, let alone being charged with crimes against humanity and treason?

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

Rand is a tremendous grandstander. He won’t tell you who was behind the jab and what it was intended to do. Fauci, the highest paid U.S. “public servant” takes the shots from Rand and together theykeep the identity of their handlers secret.
For 20 years Rand failed to tell the country who did 9/11. Always look at what they don’t say, not what they say.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

The feckless politicians, and I am talking about both sides of the uniparty, are corrupt to the core.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Over two years ago, I watched videos of Dr. Ralph S. Baric and Dr. Peter Daszak discuss, on stage, how they made Covid-19. They discussed how they had trouble making it contagious “enough”. So they sent what they had to Dr. Szi Zing Li in Wuhan, so she could make it more contagious. And the rest is history. And nobody in Congress can find those videos?

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

They fooled many in the alt media by not having an immediate mass die off. Now, down the road all hell can break loose with boosters etc. and the original shot will not be blamed.
If there had been an immediate mass die off, they never would have gotten parents to take the kids to get the jab. Diabolical but breathtaking strategy.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester


Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Phil

Thank you for taking the time to respond. I’m proud to stand with you in this fight for freedom and against tyranny.

2 years ago

This is a Portion of an article I read from the burning Platform which many of us believe will happen very shortly. We who love freedom and our nation will be forced into a position of either defense or offensive, each one of us will have to choose what to do at that time.
Today in the Western World the situation is this. The ethnic composition of the Western countries is under fierce attack by the liberal-left elements of their own ethnicity. The rights of the ethnic base of the population are ceasing to exist in the areas of free speech and due process of law. People are fired for using gender pronouns. Scientists are terminated for challenging a fake explanation. People are coerced into accepting violations of the Nuremberg Laws. Wherever a person turns for information, the media lies.
This is a hopeless situation for the Western World. As awareness spreads slowly but gradually among the ethnic populations of the West that their governments are against them, the ethnic majorities begin to realize that they are targeted for dispossession. Some of the French have realized this, and also farmers in Holland and Italy. Once the ethnic composition of a country realizes that the government does not represent them but represents their enemies, a revolutionary situation develops. All that can possibly save Western Civilization is revolution across the entire front. The entirety of governments and the vested interests they represent must be overthrown. Otherwise we face institutionalized tyranny and economies run for the benefit of the One Percent.

Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago

Rand Paul: Congress Is Not Allowed To Know About TOP SECRET Gain Of Function Research Committee

And just to be clear, everyone with a Lab and the Means is doing Gain of Function.


Because everyone else with a Lab and the Means is doing Gain of Function.

Does this mean that China infected the world with the Covid-Alpha-Beta-Gamma-Delta-Epsilon-Zeta-Eta-Theta-Iota-Kappa-Lambda-Mu-Omicron-Deltacron-Flurona variants of the variants variants fakes?

Consider that the FDA said: After all these months, we DO NOT have a CLINICAL SPECIMEN. So we CONTRIVED SAMPLES and CONTRIVED SPECIMENS… derived from… SOUP.

Maybe something else is going on here.

And Boobus will be doing this forever.

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And no one will go to jail.

2 years ago

If another country were to invade the U.S., it would be a surgical strike, a ‘100 hour war’. It would not be protracted but not for the reason you may think. Because to protract, the larger risk would be to come against the American citizenry. To the lesser extent would be the inordinate cost of material and men.

I wuld support a country coming in to do what I and tens of millions of Americans would prefer be done; termination of socialists in government. It would be folly to move beyond that narrow objective. For then would I and tens of millions of my countrymen become their ardent foe at great cost to them.