Rand Paul Introduces Bill to Block Obama from Executive Action on Gun Control

The bill states that any “existing or proposed executive action that infringes on the powers and duties of Congress under section 8 of article I of the Constitution of the United States of the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States shall have no force or effect.

It is the sense of Congress that any executive action issued by the President before, on, or after the date of enactment of this Act that infringes on the powers and duties of Congress under section 8 of article I of the Constitution of the United States or the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, or that would require the expenditure of Federal funds not specifically appropriated for the purpose of the executive action, is advisory only and has no force or effect unless enacted as law.



Please sir, may I have some of my Liberty back?

A bill to enforce our natural law and Constitutional rights? Begging your masters for freedom only reinforces their control over you.

People are now waking up to the true purpose of the 2nd Amendment.

David DeGerolamo

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Tom Angle
9 years ago

Why do we need a bill for something that is already law? Congress is in charge of DC. Why not arrest the usurper and all those that partake in the law breaking?

9 years ago

Soon a moment will come, wherein the people shall realize that it is their duty to take back the District, and raze it to the ground, exercising the most brutal justice upon every living thing found therein.

And “soon” cannot come soon enough, for those of us who witness the utter and total affiliation of the imperial city with Satan. Let then their judgement be upon their heads, and let them be fulfilled in it, every last one.

As it was with the 7 kingdoms whom God judged in the 7th chapter of Deuterotomy, let it also be with them, forsaking neither their sons nor their daughters, but rendering unto every last living thing its Just reward.