Re-living History

by T.L. Davis

American society today is almost identical to September 10th, 2001, before the terrorist attack that took down the World Trade Center towers. It is a society whistling past the graveyard, knowing deep down that a reckoning is at hand. The difference is: the United States Government is the enemy to be revealed in one shocking attack that few anticipated.

Just as the WTC was attacked in 1993, but survived long enough for the forces of terrorism to regroup and return with a greater, more elaborate plan, the citizens of the United States were attacked by its government on October 3, 2008 when it passed the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), choosing to support banks and investment firms over its citizens. It chose to stabilize the economy by washing away crimes and bad practices of banks to the detriment of the people, thereby washing away trillions in equity in homes and investments. Instead of seeking to replace the people’s money, they (the government) took more of the people’s money and gave it to the banks.

TARP did stabilize a shaky financial system, but at the cost of everything America stood for. Just as the Patriot Act stabilized a shaky political system, but at the cost of everything America stood for.

Since October 3, 2008 the government has empowered the IRS, militarized police departments, changed the definition of “enemies” to include returning veterans; Christians; believers in the Constitution; those preparing to survive the obvious next attack; and many others. It has stacked the military with commanders who understand their role as defending the U.S. Government, not necessarily the people or the states of the United States.


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