Ready for a Haircut?


… while the US would prefer large financial institutions be resolved through ordinary bankruptcy, depositor wealth confiscation will be pursued in the case of a systemically important institution (i.e. BOA, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, etc): The banksters plans for a bail-in resolution agency include investment banks and clearing houses as well as deposit bearing institutions!!!

Exactly as played out with the Cyprus template, depositors will receive equity shares in the new, bailed-in institution.

Exactly as played out with the Cyprus template, depositor funds will be stolen in whatever quantities are required to keep the TBTF zombie bank afloat.

In order for the resolution to work, the banksters state that the public must be convinced their deposits are safe, when in fact they are subject to bail-in confiscation.

Read the details …

… and

An unstoppable sequence of events has been put into motion finally. The pressure has been building for months. Some themes are plainly evident, except to those who wear rose colored glasses in the US Dome of Perception.

The Chinese and Russians will conspire to finance the Eurasian Trade Zone corridor foundation with UST Bonds, held in reserve, put to usage. The British will play a very unusual role, selling out the United States in order to be squires to the Eastern Duo. The process has begun; it cannot be stopped.

The events are already being grossly misinterpreted and minimized in the US press, where devoted lapdogs, artistic swindlers, and creative writers prevail. The Paradigm Shift eastward is showing its next face, with a truly massive trade zone for cooperation and reduced cost overhead as the giant foundation.

The Untied States for all of its past hegemony and devious manipulations and vicious attacks, will be excluded.

Read the details …

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