h/t NaturalNews

No later than March 11, all servers and domains must be transferred to the Russian zone (.ru).
In addition, detailed data on the network infrastructure of the sites is being collected.
This news comes just 2 days after the World Economic Forum removed Cyber Polygon from its webpage…
Meanwhile, the Russian spy ship Yantar, known for spying on undersea internet cables, has left its base in Arktik Russia…
Are you ready for CYBER WAR? Because this statement is like: ‘Tell me you are planning a massive cyber attack without telling me you are planning a massive cyber attack!
There are alternatives to the regular, centralized internet coming online. The most obvious is the TOR network, but there are others, including ipfs, I2P, freenet, etc. As attacks and centralized outages become more commonplace, knowing the alternatives will be critical to getting the news, and not the propaganda.
“There are alternatives to the regular, centralized internet coming online. The most obvious is the TOR network, but there are others, including ipfs, I2P, freenet, etc. “
What are they saying here? Are they saying that these applications do not require the internet to work? Then how do you connect to each other? Seriously, this is a very ignorant statement that shows the author either has no understanding of what he is talking about or is corralling you to the programs their master(s) want you to use. Just look into the history of TOR and tell me why anyone would even suggest it was safe. This baffles me unless the author is a government shill. Then it makes perfect sense.
As far as the Russians disconnecting, they will just block/filter traffic at the border routers. They will still have the same infrastructure.
If I am wrong feel free to correct me. But I really think we should not spread disinformation like this. How can we win anything when we are taking advice for fools or traitors? Again, correct me if I am wrong. But you will need to tell me how to connect to this other internet.
Challenge accepted. Virtually all internet traffic that we use regularly, from email to visiting this site go through commercial central servers. However, P2P, I2P, Tox, etc. do not utilize these central servers… you connect via encrypted connection directly to the source. For instance, many people, myself included, host dark web sites that do not use central servers like Godaddy, AWS or Epik. You connect to one of these sites, you are connecting DIRECTLY to the site, via your ISP and the site’s ISP. Does it still require internet structure? Of course. Note my comment said specifically “centralized internet”.
The internet itself will continue to exist, just like the Russian’s infrastructure that you mentioned. However, as we have seen as recently as yesterday, several big players’ sites went down for hours, including AWS, YouTube, Google, and several others. That did not mean that the internet itself went down… connections were still available since I could connect to downdetector.com to view these outages. Obviously if the entire infrastructure goes down then there will be no connecting except for mesh networks which I have commented on in previous articles. It’s THESE big conglomerate services that pose the greatest threat to maintaining communication and security.
Regarding my comment about using the TOR network, there has been history of it having issues, since it was developed by the U.S. Navy for the purpose of spying. They did not envision that it could be used to protect people from spying, but that is exactly what it does by it’s very nature. Are there risks? Of course there are, because you have no way of controlling the exit node or even necessarily knowing whether the exit node is a good guy or a bad guy, although the TOR project team is constantly checking these nodes and shuts them down if they are even questionable. This is why it’s advisable to always use a VPN when connecting to the TOR network. Today the TOR network is one of the most widely used ways to avoid surveillance. So, your knowledge of history is correct, but your knowledge of current status is severely lacking, and I wonder if you might be a government shill simply because you are trying to discourage the use of it, which then makes perfect sense. That argument goes both ways.
So, I posted the article for the purpose of information about how governments (Russia, in this case) can take control of an entire infrastructure. I posted my comment because government surveillance in this country is becoming an ever increasing threat (which I understand is overstating the obvious), and adopting alternatives to the standard protocols is something some of us are attempting to learn more about and develop.
Hope this helps.
So when they state internet they only mean the services on the internet and not the actual hardware? It is the hardware they use to monitor data with.
As far as Tor goes, it was dirty from it’s inception and I would not risk life and limb on it.
Sorry had to take a call.
My point is that the internet is not just services, it is the also the hardware. You have to have a link, you have to have an IP, you have to pass data through routers, etc… They monitor all the IPX switches and such. They know what traffic is passing through, and where it goes. All the hops your packets take are are writen in the packets. Even if it gets rerouted like in a VPN, the requests have to know how to get back to where it came from. There is not real hiding it when you monitor the entire path and they can break your encryption. Not to mention the backdoor(s) written in to all most all software.
The dark web is not much safer. It only hides from you from the google searches. You are still on the internet. Probes can still tell what is available to the world. They can also capture the packets and tell what you are doing and what data is exchanged. They can break any of the encryption.
So using these application are really no safe if they want to watch you. They own the lines and the analyse the data. To think they do not is very unsafe. To call the dark web another internet is also unsafe. To pass that on to others as being safe is very irresponsible.
You do know there are companies that monitor the IPX switches and analyse the data, then sell it to the government, right? If your traffic was safe, they would have nothing to sell.
“There is not real hiding it when you monitor the entire path and they can break your encryption. Not to mention the backdoor(s) written in to all most all software.”
Nothing is 100% safe, except for not getting on the internet at all. I was not suggesting something that everyone knows is impossible. However, to decrypt a signal with 256 bit encryption through a VPN and a 12-plus character password takes much more computing power than anyone, including the NSA is going to invest, unless you are actively planning thermonuclear terrorism and that entity has actionable intelligence on that. Couple the VPN with TOR and you have the closest thing to an unbreakable system available. Add to that the idea of P2P, gnunet, or some of the other examples I gave and you have something that will escape most of the big tech and the spying. I was suggesting viable alternatives that allow us to dissociate from the collective. Decentralization. That has been the impetus of most of the articles I have posted.
The beauty of P2P is that it is decentralized… even if you could take one node down, the chance of taking down the entire network is virtually impossible. This is the future of secure communcation.
Well, well ,well, figure this. As I had Fox News, (fake news) on after The Five ( which is bad as the rest now) here came a news report warning of a cyber attack on the Free world. Guess who Fox interviewed for this. None other than, Slimy Christopher Wray, The Liar Adam Schiff and CIA (unAmerican) director Burns. Yes, Fox.
if you are still not convinced that there is no truth about anything in the news than you are just ignorant.
There is nobody on talk radio or any news who is telling the truth. With sometimes the exception of Tucker. Not Glen Beck, the two idiots who replaced Rush, or anybody I.Do not believe anything that they say. They are spreading lies about what is really going on. This will be a cyber attack on us from our own govt., not Russia or China.
I have it from two sources that I consider VERY RELIABLE -- not giving details because opsec -- that in the last week or two American systems are getting cyberattacked more than in the prior six months.