Reagan Predicted Our Future in 1975

So the Democrats have fulfilled Ronald Reagan’s definition of Fascism from 1975 with the aid of many Republicans. What he did not foresee was that they would label the conservatives as Fascist to mask themselves. Are we waking up yet?

David DeGerolamo

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5 years ago

He betrayed us with the amnesty during his reign. He also screwed workers when he signed a bill that allows companies to steal the money that the employees’ pension funds have accrued. Look it up if you don’t believe me. It happened at my husband’s company, the ink was scarcely dry before the $7 million in interest in the pension fund had been stolen. This was in 1984. Clintoon polished pensions off when he signed a bill, in 1995, that prevents employees from suing when a company steals the pension money. Over 70% of pension funds have been looted, leaving retirees will little more than Social Security to survive on. Pretty planet, innit?

Alfred Barnes
Alfred Barnes
5 years ago
Reply to  mousieish

If only he delivered on what he campaigned on, beginning the first in a succession of progressively worse administrations, until Trump. Trump is attempting to undo 40 years of exporting jobs and importing cheap labor. Reagan was a traitor. Trump will be remembered as either the second George Washington or the second Benedict Arnold.