People waving Confederate flags have greeted President Barack Obama as he arrived at his hotel in Oklahoma.
As his motorcade rolled into Oklahoma City on Wednesday night, about 10 rebel flags were in the crowd, alongside some US flags.
Critics of the emblem, used in battle by southern states in the US Civil War, say it is a symbol of slavery.
A backlash against the flag has grown since a gunman killed nine black people at a church bible study last month.
h/t Hans
What’s really odd, and supportive at the same time, is that folks here, in northern Maine, have gone frantic buying and displaying this flag.
These folks are “true, blue-blooded, Yankees” but they also support and acknowledge the history attached to it and refuse to be intimidated by the likes of the few morons crying about its racial symbolism. Unlike the protesting liberal idiots, these folks have done their homework.
As a “damn-yankee” living in NC for 43 years, I never owned a flag of the Army of Northern Virginia …
Until today, when I saw the BBC article above and decided I needed one for the next pResidential visit to NC…
So I ordered one.
Still available at
May he be greeted with the battle flag everywhere he goes from now on… as a reminder of that with which he flirts dangerously.
Our causes to desire separation are much the same as in 1860, and our attempted redresses have met with the same calous disregard. What then must be the results, when all of the precipitating factors bear such a striking similarity to history? Shall they not be the same, also?
But now, in this day, those desiring separation from the imperial yoke are more widely spread, and far greater in number; and as the tyranny of Washington DC grows, so to does the sentiment to put away the current leadership, and appoint new guards for our security an happiness.
Long live the battle flag of the True Republic…