Rebellion Against the People

While it’s important to justify one’s position, to provide proof and evidence of crimes, betrayals and treason, I believe we’re past the discovery phase and need to move on to the resolution. What more do we need to know than the CIA has been involved in some of the most treacherous acts committed against the republic, that they’ve had their hands in the dirtiest of business? What more do we need to know than the FBI has worked with social media companies to install a worthless, feckless president, perpetrating a treasonous coup in the guise of an election? All of this, while recently verified, was information we had long since accepted as true.

Such villainous acts were known in 1992 when Vicki Weaver was shot down by a government sniper while holding her infant at Ruby Ridge. Does that not speak of the inhumanity with which the government views all of us with dissenting views, those who will not simply obey every outrageous law or dictate? To domestic enemies, patriots are scum. This is a division between the people and those entrusted with power that cannot be ignored without the absolute destruction of the republic in all but name.

That is the current state of the union and has been, I would venture, since 1963. There is open rebellion against the people by those with official titles and badges. To find out that most of them are pedophiles or engaged in human trafficking, child sex trafficking, is just a deeper level of filth in which they happily wallow.

In the wings are much more evil things, so evil that one honestly has to mark one’s future in months rather than years or decades. They’ve corrupted everything worth fighting for, exposed every national institution as a fraud, a con, leaving us empty of soul, casting about searching for some way to stop the madness, but this same madness has gripped many nations in the past, destroyed them completely, morally, intellectually and spiritually. This is how it felt to them.

I want to believe that we will rise, that the American spirit of before will gain its footing and right the wrongs. Maybe it does stem from 1871 when the great, immense soul of the American spirit was sold out to satisfy creditors and we became serfs, but that America has been such a magical place of invention and industriousness that it took generation after generation of dilution to finally drive that nature out of the genetics. It took so long that they gave up and decided to dilute it by injecting the rabid, base mentality of the world’s serfs to accomplish what they could not quite do on their own.

Read the Whole Article Here…

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2 years ago

“This is a division between the people and those entrusted with power that cannot be ignored without the absolute destruction of the republic in all but name.”

The powers that be (inclusive of the churches, workplace, learning institutions, and social establishments, legal and governmental systems), are inculcating submission to essentially any and all authority figures, i.e. such as with the Covid-19 ordeal for example, as with Walensky and Fauci, even with the ingredients of the vaccine being unknown to the public, and the information widely disseminated that the vaccine companies could not be sued for any injuries. Being order takers and followers, now seems to be the default disposition of attitude sought for new-hire employees, in academic settings, and even relationally, to an extent (again, look at the Covid-19 heinousness with people demanding a family member be vaccinated before coming into contact with family, friends, or others for a holiday or other event). This aquiescing to the whims of practically any mandate, edict, policy and the like has now garnered a cult-like groupie mentality, culminating in an ingroup-outgroup scenario, which seems will have far-reaching ramifications for the future, and will only intensify in its demand.

Francis W. Porretto
2 years ago

I encountered a highly relevant observation in a science fiction novel. The viewpoint character is pondering a major economic collapse — one that has blanketed the world — in 2080:

Without a doubt, the media and government spox were lying shills or fools. It was terrible when being an honest fool was the less repugnant accusation to level at someone. This sort of major crash seemed to happen with a period that approximated the high side of the human lifespan. It definitely was that time again.

(Mackey Chandler, The Middle of Nowhere)

Compare that to this observation:

The financial writer Christopher Fildes, I think it was, who had the theory that financial crises occur whenever the last bank employee old enough to remember the last one retires. That is classic curmudgeon wisdom.

There really does seem to be a link between historical cycles and the human lifespan.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

Not sure a Kent State picture represents freedom. The people that where stoning the NG, where the ones going arouns town days before threatening to burn down businesses that did not hang anti-war posters in there windows. I know a few people that where there in the NG and students, the story presented by the press was not what they say it was.

That said, they have been at war with us for a very long time. We are just too stupid to realize it.

2 years ago

Small tangent, yet loosely connected. The Uni-party in action, against outsiders. Struck a nerve trying to post, they normally don’t require cookies.
Floated Tillis as SoH. This allows the Crown Esq Royal barrel maker to pic a replacement. Ergo anti-gun, throw your ancestors under the bus, (R) Lt gov Rob your son, becomes Senator.
NC TWO Jr. Senators.
Cooper runs in 24, as expected. Trump and Robinson take the ticket.