No one actually believes that Joe Biden or Kamala Harris would actually be in charge of the country if they are inaugurated. Under those conditions, anyone supporting a restoration of the Republic would be considered to be part of a rebellion. Today the tyrants hide in the shadows pulling the strings of their puppets. One of our primary objectives should be to identify and cut off the head of the snake(s) in charge of the Deep State.
I often wonder how I would explain to the founding fathers how we submitted so easily to tyranny. How do you explain that their sacrifices for Liberty were forgotten and our freedom intentionally destroyed by our loss of faith in God? What would George Washington, Samuel Adams or Dan Morgan do today to defend what has become an immoral nation?
Benjamin Franklin proposed the following for our national motto:
Keep in mind that the above seal was also a justification for the Revolutionary War and that the 13 colonies were still under the authority of King George at that time. While the seal was not adopted, Thomas Jefferson adopted it for his own personal seal:
For those few who still have a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we have no choice except to be obedient to God.
David DeGerolamo
h/t Larry Elder for Biden/Harris zombie graphic
Goerge Soros who is the front man for the Rothschild’s & Co are the string holders. We also can include the Rockefeller family as well. Of course the other major bankers are included.
Who has been in charge of the world? Read the following. Download it from the net.
Everything explained.
The principal ringleader for the tyrants lives in Washy Distopia Central and has a tranny masquerading as his wife.
Let none of us interfere with Biden and Harris’s agonizing descent into hell. I won’t obey an imbecile or a jezebel. They are free to destroy themselves but we can’t allow them to take any of us with them. Hold fast to the constitution and God’s word. Fight with every last breath you have against
these nation wreckers. We are millions, we are well armed, highly motivated and we will make
them earn every inch of their treasonous agenda. Come March 2021 they won’t be smiling.
All I can say is AMEN!!