Rebellion to tyrants equals obedience to God!!!

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The Lord is My Shepard
The Lord is My Shepard
3 years ago

Bible LARPing is blasphemy.

3 years ago

‘Christians’ are the largest group of People in the U.S. with anything like a Common Interest in living ‘normally’, as opposed to the (((perversion))) of Society advanced by the (((synagogue of satan))).
IF they had real Leadership, instead of the schofield-babble worshipping, ysraeli-flag-waving, 501c3 ‘preachers’, they could be a Force that rapidly could “Put Down” the judeo-communist coup.
But the Sheep just want to “pray for the souls of their enemies” and “love the sinner, not the sin.”
What if the enemies have No Souls? What if, like some Reptilian Aliens from the Strange-Matter Universe, they are Not Humans at all?

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago
Reply to  Gryphon

Yessss! (((We’ve ))) stolen everything from you and replaced it with a replica so perfectly you’ll never be able to tell the difference. (((We’ve))) replaced your family with lookalikes that spy on you for (((us))) LMAO!

3 years ago

That Is Funny.
Stealing of our Constitutional Money, and exchanging it for ‘federal reserve notes’ (judenfetzen) was the Original Theft.

Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
3 years ago
Reply to  Gryphon

Well now. I didn’t change the money, Im a victim of that myself.

3 years ago

Wow never believed anyone would think of the teachings of Jesus would be taken so lightly -- if you don’t believe -- then so be it, but if you do and you think our God is weak or not involved-- -Look what is happening right now around the world --The climatic events, Snow in the desert in Saudi, flooding in Mecca, China — volcano’s, earthquakes -- everywhere -ect. and if it really intensifies, you will be begging for deliverance- God doesn’t ask you to be a door mat and neither does Jesus -- but if you do all you can and its not enough then you make a stand and ask for forgiveness and I’ll take my chances -- but its the foolish few that think God works on mans time line -- Simply read a historical account of the world -- the Bible, and see what great acts the lord God has performed and least you worry for he will make light shine on all that is good and evil in his own time-