Recce Rifle Setup and Camouflage / Mountain Rifle Setup. Becoming Deadly in the Mountains Part 2.

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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

We are our own worst enemy, it seems as if all the crying, bitching and moaning is just the natural process of accepting our fate. Most of the younger generation is occupied with taking selfies and posting them on their social networks. The middle aged are doing the same, lining up to get the jab with their children as well. A nation of dumbed down, brain dead morphed zombies. Don’t expect it to get better soon, they have all the levers at their command. It is funny what we can get used to, just saying.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

By the way in my fantasy world I prefer the m-14 springfield scout, I am not bugging out at any time.

strider 777
2 years ago

I am all for the best equipment one can afford and the necessary training and skills that go with them. All of that is good. But without the will to use them, what good are they? Not much, I would say.

fed poast
fed poast
2 years ago
Reply to  strider 777

I would add, without the real will to use them AND knowing EXACTLY who to point (((them))) at for committing all these crimes against us …. it’s all just been a good show.

And part of it has been written right into our culture, I contend intentionally. How many American patriots have uttered the words “I’m willing to die for my country”.
It’s literally backwards.

It should have always been “I’m willing to KILL for my country”
It is NOT the same understanding.

NC Rob
NC Rob
2 years ago

I love his videos but this one is great for dummies like me.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

I don’t think your a dummy, your way ahead of the curve. Everybody can improve their skills. practice, practice, practice. I try everyday to improve my skills.