Folks, we have first-hand testimony that this is happening. Right now, today. Orders have clearly come down from on high to do what everyone everywhere agreed was unthinkable madness a matter of DAYS ago: cut off patients from WATER and nutrition to the point of disabling sinks and toilets.
For the love of God, STAY AWAY FROM HOSPITALS. Hospitals ARE the camps.
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And we have Trump STILL promoting the vax/jab AND Remdesivir.
Does that surprise you?
Me? Not at all. I’ve believed that he is a Trojan horse for quite some time now.
Well, didn’t Pfizer donate $1 Million to pay the costs of Trump’s inauguration? I believe Robert Kennedy, Jr. more than Trump on this issue:
Does not surprise me one bit. I knew what he was from the beginning.
Time to start returning the favor to the Doctors and Hospital management !
Dr. Steven Yates (Ph.D. in Philosophy) understands what is going on in the hospitals. I copied these two paragraphs from his recent Article:
Dr. Yates writes:
Apparently, the American Hospitals and the doctors who work there have abandoned the “out-dated” Hippocratic Oath; and have moved into the New World Order of medicine where the unfit, infirm, and defective are removed from Society.
Old news started hearing about this weeks ago! Heil Fraud-ci !
Good for you ya arrogant prick🖕🏻
I was admitted to a hospital in north Alabama. One of the first things they did was to restrict my intake of fluids. Shortly there after, they wanted to administer Remdesivir. I requested that they not give me the drug. They submitted to my request. And I am alive to testify.
Thank God Jeff, do not if possible go to a hospital, they are killing people sanctioned by the government.
Trump turned us over to the communist regime that now occupies the White House. I had my doubts about him from the start, he gave us the lockdowns and the kill shot.
For once, the FaceCrook “warning” is appropriate.