Folks, we have first-hand testimony that this is happening. Right now, today. Orders have clearly come down from on high to do what everyone everywhere agreed was unthinkable madness a matter of DAYS ago: cut off patients from WATER and nutrition to the point of disabling sinks and toilets.
For the love of God, STAY AWAY FROM HOSPITALS. Hospitals ARE the camps.

And we have Trump STILL promoting the vax/jab AND Remdesivir.
Does that surprise you?
Me? Not at all. I’ve believed that he is a Trojan horse for quite some time now.
Well, didn’t Pfizer donate $1 Million to pay the costs of Trump’s inauguration? I believe Robert Kennedy, Jr. more than Trump on this issue: https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/robert-kennedy-jr-blows-whistle-on-pfizer-donating-1-million-to-trump-inaugural-see-what-happened-following-that-video/
Does not surprise me one bit. I knew what he was from the beginning.
Time to start returning the favor to the Doctors and Hospital management !
Dr. Steven Yates (Ph.D. in Philosophy) understands what is going on in the hospitals. I copied these two paragraphs from his recent Article: https://newswithviews.com/is-covid-19-a-bioweapon-new-book-could-shatter-the-narrative/
Dr. Yates writes:
Apparently, the American Hospitals and the doctors who work there have abandoned the “out-dated” Hippocratic Oath; and have moved into the New World Order of medicine where the unfit, infirm, and defective are removed from Society.
Old news started hearing about this weeks ago! Heil Fraud-ci !
Good for you ya arrogant prick🖕🏻
I was admitted to a hospital in north Alabama. One of the first things they did was to restrict my intake of fluids. Shortly there after, they wanted to administer Remdesivir. I requested that they not give me the drug. They submitted to my request. And I am alive to testify.
Thank God Jeff, do not if possible go to a hospital, they are killing people sanctioned by the government.
Trump turned us over to the communist regime that now occupies the White House. I had my doubts about him from the start, he gave us the lockdowns and the kill shot.
For once, the FaceCrook “warning” is appropriate.