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- spaceman on Two Questions
- MrLiberty on The First of Hopefully Many
- Hammers Thor on The Urgent Call to “Return to Base” & The Chopper’s Strange Movements Make No Sense
- Thexrayboy on The Urgent Call to “Return to Base” & The Chopper’s Strange Movements Make No Sense
- Steady Steve on Two Questions
They want their temple built for their coming messiah which is our anti-Christ
I wonder what PETA thinks of this? Personally I have nothing against cows. They make good hamburgers! But slaughtering them for this bullshit is sinful in my opinion.
Biblically looking at this, half way into Daniel’s “70th Week” of 7 years, The Antichrist will cause the sacrifices to cease.
Pastor Irvin Baxter Jn (deceased) used to say that maybe an animal rights backlash will be the excuse to stop the animal sacrifices.
Numbers 19:2 There was a tv show series a few years ago, (Dig) . Very good and did inspire me to look into and follow (seek) for the Truth.
Some people do not seem to understand that He does change. He has changed many things for the better. They wish to adhere to the old ways and traditions that can not save them.
‘His’ blood has become our salvation and the way.
Hebrews 13 …7Remember your leaders who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. 8Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. 9Do not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings, for it is good for the heart to be strengthened by grace and not by foods of no value to those devoted to them.…
Unless you do not see Jesus as God then saying “He (God) has changed many things for the better” seems odd for a follower, eh?
God doesn’t change, He fulfills His promises of a Lamb of God,
John 1:29 The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!
John the Baptist was referring to the promises of the Old Testament here.
And thus, the old agreement (the Old Testament) isn’t destroyed but fulfilled. Like the foundation of a new house built upon it.
The covenant changed. His sacrifice changed the old ways.
Why is this so hard to understand? we do not make blood sacrifices anymore, He has made the ultimate sacrifice.
His love for us has not changed. He still wishes to save us, and those of the world that will Truly repent and change their ways.
Israel was destroyed in Bible. Finito.
Destruction of Jerusalem. This rapture stuff is Christian Zionism.
Interesting comment that ‘Israel is finito’ considering that the Book of Revelation is about God bringing Israel back to Himself.
Israel was destroyed. Period. The 1948 Israel is not about the very misunderstood Book of Revelation.
Again interesting considering all the things that have been fulfilled concerning Israel since it became a nation again for the first time in 2K yrs. Just little things like the Sanhedron being reconvened for the 1st time in hundreds of years. The special dyes for the priests special clothing rediscovered and remade for the first time in maybe 2K yrs. The formula for the Temple incense being rediscovered. The 10th red heifer maybe being found. All the Temple furniture being remade. The priests known and ready to serve. And that’s just with the Jews. For the first time in history mankind has the means for one world currency with no buying or selling unless ‘they’ say so. Then the big push for one world gov’t.
Looks like John just wrote Revelation yesterday.
On Target Steiner, On Target.
Who were the Rothchilds?
you are spot on Jane, Israel is like any other nation in the world, and they are not the apple of Gods eye any longer. once they rejected Christ and killed him it was over with for their nation and the veil of the temple was rent in two pieces. God divorced Israel for good and a new covenant was made with Christs People, this is a gift from God of which is Salvation and grace open to all people of the world. the only Jews that can be saved are the ones who seek Christ and become a True Christian, not a Zionist Christian. the catching away in the scriptures happens when Christ returns on the clouds of Glory to this earth to gather his people from the four corners of the earth and we are all taken up to be with him for all eternity, then the rest of the wicked world from the time of the creation of man will be judged. All of these other false doctrines are the doctrines of devils, Christ’s return will be as lighting shines from the east to the west so will the coming of man be.
The red heifer is a big deal. The ashes of the red heifer are essential to Jewish worship. Sprinkling with the ashes mixed in water is the only way a Jew can be ritually cleansed from sin. It is about the last thing they need to have in order to set up Temple worship (they supposedly know where the Ark is but haven’t revealed it.) They have all the Temple furniture, all the priest’s clothing, the incense and the altar. There have been 9red heifers so far and Jewish tho’t/tradition is that the Messiah will come during the time of 10th red heifer. Were is not for Covid these red heifers would not exist. They were not tagged due to Covid keeping people from tagging them. Tagging would have scarred them and made them unfit.
If they sacrifice the red heifer, you can hold on to your hat, the end of end-time things will accelerate big time
Good film on a Christian Zionism on this site. Scroll down a bit.
“to build over the ruins.” I thought I saw something to the effect that no ruins are necessary. An archeological dig may show that
the modern temple location maybe off a bit and therefore both mosque and temple can co-exist at the same time. Hmmmmm, co-exist at the same time? Sounds new age!
Yup, you see that pagan statement on the back of car bumpers and rear windshields all the time and it’s always the pro pagan tolerant ones who want to advertise there hedonism.