By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Evening Post)
Clif High is an Internet data mining expert who has many well-documented correct forecasts. He predicted that Bitcoin would rise to $64,000 (it did) when it was less than $10 per unit. High uses something he calls “Predictive Linguistics” and computer programs to sort through billions of bits of information on the Internet to predict future trends and events. High’s recent data shows everything is in the process of breaking down. Food production, trucking, health services, millions will get very sick and many of them will die, the military breaks down, political system breaks down and the financial system will suffer a horrible unfixable crash.
High says the breakdowns are getting so bad that he is calling this month “Red October.” In short, the breakdowns will wake up the masses to all the evil that has been hidden. High says, “We can follow these things on up to find out where the real evil is, and I hope we don’t destroy our ability to do that in the process of cleaning this out. We are, at this point, where the ‘normies’ are going to wake up. But what are they going to wake up to? Are they going to wake up to Biden cheated? Are they going to wake up to Biden the traitor at the request of the CCP? That he assisted the CCP in cheating? Or are they going to wake up to Biden the Globalist working with the CCP stooges? There are so many layers it’s going to take a long time for people to come to some understanding. I think, basically, they will get to a point that they say that’s good enough, I don’t need to know anymore.”
One very big wakeup call is going to come from our crashing financial system. High explains, “This hyperinflation is showing up everywhere. . . . We will have the real markets, cost of potatoes, gold, silver and Bitcoin and those things that are outside the dollar system . . . this month, October, I think we will start a bull run in commodity prices that is similar to what happened in Venezuela. That will be our financial system . . . last gasping breaths. It will be shuttering and shaking through October, November, and I don’t know if it will be through much of December. This will be a very . . . crushing time, a very burdensome time. People need to know we will get through this. It’s not going to be the end of the world, but it will be the end of the world as we knew it, but the end of the world as we knew it was oppressive. It was from the people that kept us enslaved. This is a very terrible time indeed, but it liberates us.”
High also sees in the data people will wake up to being purposely poisoned and murdered, and this is actually “asymmetrical warfare.” The Deep State players such as government bureaucrats, drug company executives and doctors who pushed this will face an outraged grieving public. High says, “. . . This will turn very, very ugly. . . . I don’t even like to talk about it because there is nothing you can do about it. . . . They will come to understand that this was deliberate . . . the data says individuals will take revenge on the people who actually injected them.
High goes into detail of what he is seeing in the data for years into the future, and it’s not pretty for the evil people who perpetrated this crime against humanity. High explains, “I am also of the opinion that will carry up the chain, and you will see people take revenge on, basically, world leaders, you know, the politicians and the Bill Gates of the world.”
I converted the video above to a .mp3 file (audio format) so I could listen to it while I worked in the greenhouse, and have uploaded it HERE if you wish to listen or download it for later. It’s a very sober look at our near-term future and worth the time.
It would be a very good idea to continue to shore up your preps. Food is going to become scarce very soon. And for God’s sake, if you are even remotely considering taking the “vaccine”, please just wait a bit longer before you do. The extra time may very well save your life when everything comes out about what a catastrophic effect it is having on so many people. At risk of losing your job if you refuse? LET THEM FIRE YOU. Might lose your house? Better to lose your house than be dead. You can survive that. You may not survive the needle.
Ive been listening to Cliff since before 9/11 via George Ure, the People’s Economist. He’s brillant and no one else could do what he does. Excellent source of the down low, and fun to watch the news catch up to the web bots, because it does every time!
Great piece, I’ve been looking at this subject for forty years and he nails it!
Interesting how Mr. High talks in a secular manner not crediting The Creator God with total Sovereign Control working out His Devine plan. High references Evil killing for the last 6,000 years. Just so happens that coincides with the Bible and where we are in the cosmos. Read your Bible…Get right with your Creator God…life is terminal…John 3:16.