Remember Ann Barnhardt Axiom #2: If you can’t roll around on top of it whilst wielding your assault rifle, then sweetie, you don’t really own it, and you never did.

by Ann Barnhardt

Update on Ukraine:  the Prime Minister has resigned, and most importantly, the military is refusing to move against the protesters.  That’s the important part.  Once the military refuses orders, a given government is basically over barring massive outside intervention – which is still possible here from Putin.  But that seems unlikely at this point.

This is exactly what needs to happen in the U.S.  There needs to be a general strike demanding the total liquidation of the FEDGOV.  The FEDGOV needs to be forced to give the military orders to fire on U.S. citizens.  I know you don’t want to hear that, but it is the truth.  Now here is the big problem as I see it:  I think that the Flag Officer Corps and a majority of the Field Grade officers would go along with the regime, because those ranks have been almost totally purged of decent, God-fearing men who are loyal to the Constitution and the Rule of Law.  Flag and Field Grade officers are now almost entirely craven hacks who care only about their pensions and slithering up the chain of command in order to maximize their pensions and stroke their shriveled, flaccid, quivering egos.  Someday I might tell you what I REALLY think of them.

So, yes, I think the officers would give orders to fire.  I also think that most of the enlisted men would NOT follow those orders.  It would be one hell of a gamble, and there will be casualties, but sadly, it is clearly what needs to happen.  Enough of this garbage.  Enough of this lawless, despotic oligarchy.  The longer this goes on, the worse it is going to be when the poop hits the fan.  Each day magnifies the pain that WILL come later.  The former United States needs to take a lesson from Ukraine, do the right thing, and force FEDGOV’s hand.  Whenever something painful or unpleasant has to happen, it is always much better to lean into it and be in control of the situation, rather than cower, stall and flinch.


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11 years ago

Agreed , and after its over, to make certain that it never happens again, we should rap a chain around the District, drag it down the patomac , out to sea , and let it sink. Then start over in guthrie oklahoma.