Remember the Press Secretary’s Remarks Concerning the “Majority”?

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2 years ago



tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Just where has the violence come from? The peaceful rioting from Antifa and BLM, government sponsored radicals, this illegal regime was even flying the BLM flag at Embassy’s around the globe. If you googled antifa it went directly to the white house. Soros paid antifa for their actions as well as blm. They are all treasonous scumbags. And again, TINVOWOOT, we know the path we have to take.

The Duke of New York
The Duke of New York
2 years ago

This has nothing to do with what has been done, not even with the 2020 election, this is just the run up to what they are going to do in 2022.

That’s why the focus on 1/6. That’s why the focus on Trump, and the Herr Biden speech. Not for what they’ve done, but for what they are about to do.

This is all just foreshadowing. Come December, tell me I’m wrong.

2 years ago

Once more brillo-head proves what an empty headed thing it is, and makes no sense as it repeats the poisonous sputum that flow out the lunatic PEDO Hitler’s upper butt hole.