Remember the Real Zuckerberg

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tom finley
tom finley
1 month ago

Zuckbucks needs to hang with the rest of the vermin.

1 month ago

(((Zuckerberg))) is slime. He always was and always will be. His $million$ were used to create election interference, for which he should be imprisoned.
His FB media suppressed alternate treatments for COVID, mocking IVM & HCQ medications in favor of the FDA/CDC/BigPharma mass murder by Vaxx venture. For which he should be imprisoned.
A flaming Leftard and abuser of free speech, he now senses a sea change in American politics and (like the smarmy leech that he is) he runs to bend the knee & kiss the ring of Trump, toadying up to him by crying that the Potato Administration “threatened & forced” him to do awful things to the American Public.
Not buying it! Arrest him before he retreats into his multi-billion dollar bunker in Maui.
Besides, bunkers are overrated…..

Dennis Lyons
Dennis Lyons
1 month ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

Anyone listening to this POS…needs to get 10 jabs…frigging sheep…;-_)
stinking fag sh-tpacker…;-)