Remember This from a Month Ago?

Kenya President Tells Citizens To Get Rid Of Holdings Of US Dollar, As Nations Dump The Dollar And Begin To Embrace Petroyuan

“I am giving you free advice that those of you who are hoarding dollars you shortly might go into losses. You better do what you must do because this market is going to be different in a couple of weeks.”

It is no secret that the US Dollar is becoming less and less valuable by the day, losing its purchasing power at a rapid scale; and with the clear divide that has been created between the East and Western world due to the Russia-Ukraine war, many nations are growing sick and tired of the dollar and are now looking to dump it before it depreciates in value some more.



Timing is everything. In the case of the Kenyan President, his timing appears to be off. Does this mean everything is getting better?

From Zerohedge’s first page today:

I Sincerely Hope You Aren’t Ignoring This

3,000-Strong Migrant Caravan Begins Walking Toward US–Mexico Border

US Home Price Growth Slowest In A Decade, San Francisco Crashes

UBS Slides As Net Profit Halved, Despite Wealthy Client Inflow

A Higher Debt Ceiling Won’t Solve The Problem; It Will Make The Problem Worse


I personally do not see any bright signs for this country. I will admit that the firing of Tucker Carlson took me by surprise. It appears that his condemnation of big pharma and the exposure of the January 6th “insurrection” were too much for our overlords. Whatever was left of free speech is severely curtailed as no one is safe for telling the truth.

I am watching the following stories:

  1. The fall of Bakhmut and the supposed Ukrainian Spring offensive.
  2. Sudan and the US role in overthrowing yet another government.
  3. Israel and their reaction to Iran as they become increasingly isolated.
  4. The debt ceiling and drop in IRS revenues.
  5. The impending invasion at the Southern border aided by Biden, Bush, Obama and Clinton.
  6. The collapse of small and medium banks, housing construction, home interest rates and commercial real estate.
  7. The emergence of BRICS as the world’s dominant economic and military power.
  8. China’s impending invasion of Taiwan.
  9. The depletion of NATO and the US military stockpiles as WWIII looms.
  10. The degeneracy of people responsible for the education and health of our children.

A long list and I could still add to it. Each point above can be expanded to include more details that seem to be insurmountable. When all seems lost, turn to the Lord and pray for forgiveness and mercy. Our second step is clear:

Just because Tucker Carlson has been silenced (at least temporarily), we must take up the cause of truth and resist evil. We have no other option unless you are willing to bend the knee.

David DeGerolamo

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Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
1 year ago

The fall of Bakhmut? Don’t you mean the liberation of Bakhmut? From the Globohomo Naziis?

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Sometimes we just write and don’t check ourselves. It’s easy to do. No problem.

Terry Clinch
Terry Clinch
1 year ago

God love you. Georgia granny is crying over Carlson firing. Chest bump. “They” hated Jesus because he spoke TRUTH. We will win this fight.

1 year ago

Awesome work! and thank you for this NC dedicated blog. It has been an amazingly cool spring here in the foothills. I’ve spent most of it at my desk being the info-warrior or collating hand outs/info packets. My projects outside languish and I am grateful for my tolerant neighbors.
But I agree with you. All those neglected projects are not so much if we are forced into a totalitarian state through financial slavery. I really thought the folks in the $100K -- $2 MM income bracket would put a stop to FEDNOW out of self-preservation, but apparently they are mind controlled already so it is up to us.
This is my signature block for most of my e-mails, regardless of who is getting them:
“STAY AWAY from the CONTAGIOUS experimental gene altering, snake venom bio-weapon injection driving the global Democide and Central Bankster’s “Going Direct Reset.” Know that we win or we become mindless financial slaves in a digital gulag. Blackrock, global central bankers Bank for International Settlements (BIS), and the parasitic “federal” Reserve central bank are transitioning us to cashless financial slavery by 2025. // People, Animals and Plants are dying from the activation of 5G on the ground and in space (as they have every single time the MIIC has increased the EMR on Earth: 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G...); and now the Kill Switch: 5G at 60 GigaHertz = Terminal Hypoxia = Goodbye to Blood Oxygen Uptake. // Over a million Americans have died from the C19 injection(s). Over 20 million have been maimed and the numbers go up as the injection contents and spike proteins spread. // Un-injected children are being fatally injured [CDC Code: MIS-C] by Spike Protein and snake venom shedding from their parents. Two year old girls w/periods. Boys w/inflamed eyeballs; 4,200 cases w/40 dead as of 09/21. // The injected are activating devices in proximity. In Russia the “Sputnik” injections nano CPU was made by E2K (Elbrus model) -- Pharmaco-vigilance at it’s best. // Court ordered FDA documents show DARPA/DOD formulated the C19 injection for rubber stamp by the FDA and use by Big Pharma. // Some insurance companies are not paying injection death policies, because the shot is considered self-euthanasia via voluntary participation in an experiment. // Also, the injected are genetically no longer homo sapiens, they are homo evolutus and therefore not entitled to human rights. // Pharmaceutical companies hold the injection patents (to hide DARPA’s involvement??), so they legally own the injected as a biological organism that their patent has altered. // Injected folks CAN detox some of the ingredients with EDTA Chelation, Ivermectin and more -- but first they have to understand that they need too.  
Are you ready to be a docile, sterile, “Transhuman 2.0” w/a short, expensive, disease-ridden life-span? How many injected people do you know who can still work a 40 hour week?
FRIENDLY REMINDER:  It was the government that stole your freedoms, destroyed your businesses, and ruined your children’s future to hide 5G+ radiation -- NOT un-injected people. So who do you think is going into Ronald Reagan’s DOD-FEMA project Readiness Exercise 84 that are now Covid Internment Shielding Camps (“CIC’s”)? Exactly how do you think this is going to end if we the people do not stop it There ARE fates worse than death.
Sign: “The only reason the people controlling the US government would want to disarm you after 243 years, is because they plan to do something you would shoot them for.”
“I will not sit down. I will not shut up. I will not comply. I am an American.”  Colorado Julie
“Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most.” Abraham Lincoln
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil; God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” Dietrich Bonhoeffer
“LEGAL” NOTICE and DISCLAIMER:  Use the information here at your own risk. It is not medical advice.Make your healthcare decisions with the help of a physician or other licensed provider. This private email message, and any attachment(s) is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2510-2521, and is for the sole use of the intended recipient and contains privileged and/or confidential information. To all public servants, including but not limited to Federal, State, or Local corporate government(s): I accept your oath of office as your firm and binding contract between you and me, one of the People, whereby you have promised to serve,protect, and defend me, guarantee all of my unalienable rights, and defend the Constitution for the United States of America. Any/all political, priva te, or public entities,International, Federal, State, or Local corporate government(s), private International Organization(s), Municipality(ies), Corporate agent(s), informant(s), investigator(s) et. al.,and/or third party(ies) working in collusion by monitoring My (this email) email(s), and any other means of communication without My express written permission are barred from any review, use, disclosure, or distribution. With explicit reservation of all My rights, without prejudice and without recourse to any of My rights. Any omission does not constitute a waiver of any and/or all intellectual property rights or reserved rights.
Sent with Proton Mail secure email -- Paid accounts come with a Free VPN.”
I know for at least some people, it’s a starting point.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago
Reply to  60GigaHertz

Tremendous posting. I’ve had considerable success here in TN with letters to the editors. After local success, I took out e -- subscriptions to a couple of other private owned newspapers in other cities. I’ve had success on Nextdoor.
1 Corinthians 3:6
“I [Paul] planted, Apollos watered but God gave the increase.” We have the easy part, God has the hard part. That tree we look at started as a seed. God put the life in the seed. It just has to be planted. As we continue to plant seeds of truth God will give the increase, whatever that increase is.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Humiliation, is the main agenda of the propaganda, it is used to demoralize and instill fear. The shock troops brought in by the regime, antifa, blm and other associated communists did their jobs pretty well. People are so afraid of the fed trap, it is amazing what they have accomplished is it not. There is not a political solution and it seems at this point that they are going to succeed in their plan to destroy America.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

Bend the knee? Sorry, between my arthritis and an unwillingness to submit, I will never. Better to die standing than groveling in the waste.