Renee Ellmers Fails the Test

Renee Ellmers represents the North Carolina 2nd district in the House of Representatives.  The following editorial comes from the Moccasin Creek Minutemen website and is important for two reasons.

1. The writer stood up for principles instead of supporting the Republican Party line.

2. The writer is asking Mrs. Ellmers for an explanation of her actions. The people MUST hold our politicians accountable for their actions.

Whether Mrs. Ellmers will respond or has already been incorporated into the “politics as usual” crowd inside the Beltway will be known shortly. One thing is certain, although Mrs. Ellmers attended patriot rallies prior to the election, she is not a Tea Party member.

David DeGerolamo

Renee Ellmers Fails the Test

To our great disappointment newly elected US Representative Renee Ellmers votes to fund Obamacare. You remember, the lady that said if we helped her to get elected she would defund Obamacare? Yeah, that one.

Yesterday she had an opportunity to stand with her voters and say NO to the Continuing Resolution which cuts almost nothing and continues to fund Obamacare.

My heart is heavy today and it will take a lot of guts from Rep Ellmers to gain my trust again. I hate being lied to.

Mrs. Ellmers please tell me somehow that I’m mistaken and explain yourself.

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13 years ago

I don’t think a single vote should be used to label an official, especially on healthcare, since she voted to kill it, in the stand-alone bill. We all know that there is seldom anything like a clean bill, especially when it comes to the budget.
Ellmers may indeed end up being an unacceptable representative, or she may simply not vote exactly the way some might have her vote -- which doesn’t necessarily make her a RINO. But I know for a fact, she is better than Bob Etheridge would have ever been, and she’s the one we elected. If we don’t put up better candidates, then we get, what we get -- but perhaps jumping to an immediate attack, is one of the reasons we DON’T get better candidates…just sayin…

13 years ago

I found this on Ellmers website -- “With one of my first votes in Congress, I voted to repeal Obamacare in its entirety. Again in February I voted for the overall HR. 1 Continuing Resolution and for nine (9) amendments that defunded and severely restricted the President’s ability to implement Obamacare. In addition I also co-sponsored the repeal of the 1099 Reporting Requirement, which passed by a wide margin, in an effort to dismantle Obamacare. I am committed to working with fellow Republicans over the coming weeks on legislation that will eliminate Obamacare ‘mandatory’ slush funds that are part of the $105 billion that has been the subject of some debate this week.”

We’ll have to see what she does, from here. She’s not my Rep -- David Price, is. I would vote for just about anyone over him.