Researchers at MIT trained a neural network model on data that predicted the spread of the coronavirus from late January to early March, including information on how countries implemented quarantine measures.
The researchers have a dire warning, as detailed in a preprint uploaded to medRxiv earlier this month.
Having positively noted that:
“In the case of the US, our model captures well the current infected curve growth and predicts a halting of infection spread by 20 April 2020.”
The researchers warn that reopening the US too early would lead to a catastrophe.
“We further demonstrate that relaxing or reversing quarantine measures right now will lead to an exponential explosion in the infected case count, thus nullifying the role played by all measures implemented in the US since mid March 2020,” reads the paper.
All this research coming out of socialist institutions that have been bought and paid for by the social over lords with our money. Why in heavens name should anyone believe a group of individuals that are mostly composed of narcissists and border line sociopaths?
Right on “Oldtimer505” It is all a “cluster flop”!
I have not read this “model” but the models thus far do not take into consideration that people will do what they believe is right for them. Secondly, to date the numbers and outcomes were NOT what the models projected and were “hyped” by the MSM bringing “Fear and Panic” into the mix. In the largest endemic areas the public, having been propagandized by those in power and the MSM congregated at the worst time and the result was more death and illness. The Public is NOT taking into consideration that the vaccines that are used against viruses are “by and large” antiquated by the time the next cycle comes around. There are other issues that come into play but have an impact on the effectiveness. It looks more and more like we have been “Tested” and have been found to be “compliant”. There are other issues that are too complicated to address now but I have repeatedly asked the question on Medical Blogs about the use of Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine as a “PROPHYLACTIC” measure in a similar manner as is used for Malaria (500mg of the salt, once/week, there is a CDC guideline for this on the web). We have had a large clinical trial of this drug/drugs on ~500,000 males from the United States, it was called the War in Vietnam and all the negative effects being brought up are “bogus” based on that large scale test. We could test this possibility on the endemic areas of NYC and New Orleans where there are a large number of diagnosed cases. We are not considering what the word “diagnosis” means. Reporting cases testing positive does nothing to let us know how many have had and are no longer contagious. Given that the “death rate” only gains validity based on the number of tested vs. the population in general and there have been a pitiful number tested. The poor science being used is pitiful and shameful. We are being used and manipulated!