Rep. Sensenbrenner: Abolish the ATF

Jim Sensenbrenner

Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R., Wis.) is working on a bill that would abolish the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, theMilwaukee Journal-Sentinelreports:

Citing ATF’s recent operational failures and its overlap with other federal law enforcement, Sensenbrenner is preparing a bill to dissolve the agency and have existing agencies in the U.S. Justice Department take on its duties.

“By absorbing the ATF into existing law enforcement entities, we can preserve the areas where the ATF adds value for substantially less taxpayer money,” Sensenbrenner said. “While searching for its mission, the ATF has been plagued by decades of high-profile blunders. …We cannot afford to ignore clear changes that will greatly enhance the government’s efficiency.”



Why stop there? Abolish DHS and the Patriot Act (thank you Mr. Sensenbrenner for writing that abomination).

David DeGerolamo

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