The censorship campaign on ivermectin took a disturbing turn with the latest developments.
The FDA is now being accused of attempting to confiscate and destroy packages containing ivermectin being shipped to Americans.
With the help of the United States Postal Service (USPS), the FDA intends to withhold the safe, effective drug from COVID-19 patients, that is according to recent reports published online.
While the FDA wastes time intercepting packages, they should be releasing the documents to the Pfizer COVID-19 data.
Whoa! Thank you! Sharing!!!!
Actually the post office does this all the time at our U.S. Port of Entry facilities. They have customs offices in them and will put a hold on mailed items when requested to by various government agencies. Postal workers generally have no idea what is in a package. And certainly don’t destroy the contents of a package. If the item is illegal we are notified, put a hold on the item and the proper legal authorities take control of the item to determine legality and either destroy it or save it for a future court case. This article seems to me to be click bait. Besides there are several legal means to obtain Ivermectin medication within our country. Start by contacting your own doctor. If they won’t prescribe it contact the Frontline Doctors organization. Go to their websites they have plenty of great information. One of them is covid19criticalcare.com. Or duckduckgo “FLCCC”. Let’s not allow folks to distract us with strawmen stories and try and make a name for themselves to fund raise off of. Lets keep our eye on the ball and stay focused.
We get out packages illegally searched all the item.
@Raphael So this is a good comment. I had reservations about posting the article, but then decided to do so because of concern that non-international mail might start getting seized, if it hasn’t already, that carries Ivermectin or HCQ. It’s not difficult to determine if medicine is in a package, simply by shaking it and listening. Also, America’s Frontline Doctors now evidently have the medicine shipped directly from one of their partner pharmacies, because it’s difficult to get these prescriptions filled. Understanding that medicine is shipped all the time, perhaps this is a small risk, but seems to be something to be aware of.
Not as easy to get as one might think, and the prices, when filled by one of these services can be $500 plus, for $50 medication. Grateful for Dr. Stella and AFD, but I believe this may be a sign of additional constricting of rights in the name of big pharma.