
There are many ways to get to a destination or achieve a goal but every journey begins with a first step. The opinions of where to begin differ when it comes to regaining our freedom from the political elite who have usurped the government. This is only one example of how one man is standing up to tyranny.

David DeGerolamo

via WRSA


Caldara: On January 1, I became a criminal in my hometown of Boulder

Because I own a long gun with a pistol grip and a detachable magazine, I had to the end of December to self-identify to the police, present myself for investigation and my gun for inspection, pay fees in order to receive a police-issued permission slip, all to avoid jail time, monetary penalties, and the confiscation and destruction of my gun.

For publicly stating that I will not comply, my daughter has been targeted at her Boulder school, the one with posters celebrating tolerance and diversity all over the walls. My refusal to submit has been commented on by teachers in front of their classes. She has been ganged up on by students and bullied because “her father is a murderer.” She is worried that I will be taken to jail. As a single dad to her and her handicapped brother, I have to admit I’m worried about that too.

I respect the police, greatly. The cops I know hate the idea of enforcing this intolerance. I ask them when they come to arrest me and confiscate my guns, they give me enough warning, so my kids aren’t around when they do it.


Jon Caldara is president of the Independence Institute, a free market think tank in Denver

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