Respect Must Be Earned

A partial history of the Resolute desk from

The Resolute served in the British Royal Navy for twenty-three years until she was decommissioned. No longer in service, she was sent to the breakers dock for salvage.

Queen Victoria ordered that a desk be made from her best timbers. This was the gift that she sent to the White House. The desk, made from the ship that sealed a lasting friendship between Great Britain and the United States, has been in the White House ever since.

It is considered a national treasure and an icon of the presidency. The desk is still in the Oval Office today. When our next president is elected, look to see if the Resolute desk is used. And if so, what special inspirational items are on it?

I do not think obama’s shoes are inspirational items.

We make a distinction between respect for the Office of the President versus respecting the president in order to be perceived as politically correct. How can we respect the president when he does not respect the Office of the President? 

Great minds have given us quotes on respect and here are two worth considering:

“Men are respectable only as they respect”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“We can really respect a man only if he doesn’t always look out for himself”

 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe   

 One of my favorites quotes applies to our country now:

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe   

Mr. von Goethe understood what respect and freedom means. It is time that America stands up and remembers.

David DeGerolamo

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13 years ago

That’s a Muslim insult to put your shoes on object you disrespect, go figure.

William Sterrett
William Sterrett
13 years ago

Another insult directed toward our Republic. Pathetic. In Liberty always, Bill

13 years ago

No surprise that he shows disrespect here as he disrespects the United States Constitution and the American Flag.