
christian mercenary

by T.L. Davis

The past few weeks have been a time of serious re-evaluation. One might only endure a certain amount of outrage before the term loses its meaning; before the outrage becomes merely rage with no means of expression that will not move that line of demarcation between action and consequence to the fore.

I have not revealed my philosophy concerning the coming counter-revolution in the past simply because it would classify me as one thing or another. People always draw the wrong conclusions. They leap headlong into a definition that suits their opinions and always to the detriment of actual understanding. Karl Popper, an Austrian philosopher and economics professor said a few things that strike me as true, one of them is the statement: Always remember that it is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood. The other is this: You can choose whatever name you like for the two types of government. I personally call the type of government which can be removed without violence Democracy and the other Tyranny.


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